- The Feature Selection page consists of two panes. “功能选择”页有两个窗格。
- Set this value to 0 to turn off feature selection. 如果将此值设置为0,则表示关闭功能选择。
- You should now see the feature selection screen. 现在您应该看到特性选择屏幕了。
- Hi, everyone, Here is a question about feature selection. 有关特征筛选的一个问题。
- On the Feature Selection page, expand Client Components. 在“功能选择”页上,展开“客户端组件”。
- On the Feature Selection page, expand Database Services. 在“功能选择”页上展开“数据库服务”。
- PRN combined feature selection algorithm is proposed. 并提出改进的PRN组合特征选择算法。
- The chief obstacles to feature selection are noise and sparseness. 本文介绍了一种基于类别特征域的特征选择方法。
- Facial feature selection method based on SVM RFE[J]. 引用该论文 李伟红;龚卫国;陈伟民;梁毅雄;尹克重.
- Research on the key techniques of text mining is done in the paper, including text feature extract and feature select, text association analysis, text association classification. 本文以文本数据为研究对象,对文本挖掘的若干关键技术进行研究,主要包括文本特征提取和特征选择、文本关联分析、文本关联分类,并提出更有效的文本挖掘算法。
- Feature selection and classification are the key points in BCI research. 特征提取和分类是脑-机接口的关键。
- On the Feature selection page, select the program features to install. 在“功能选择”页上,选择要安装的程序功能。
- For the given unclassified model,feature selection requires us to select the most excellent feature subset and it can represent the model which is classified. 对于一个给定的待分类模式,特征选择要求人们从大量的特征中选取一个最优特征子集,以代表被分类的模式。
- Defines the number of input attributes that the algorithm can handle before it invokes feature selection. 定义算法在调用功能选择之前可以处理的输入属性数。
- Defines the number of output attributes that the algorithm can handle before it invokes feature selection. 定义算法在调用功能选择之前可以处理的输出属性数。
- This paper employs feature selection theory and pattern aggregation theory to reduce feature space dimension. 应用特征选取和模式聚合理论以降低特征空间维数。
- The Feature Selection dialog in SQL Server Setup allows you to install Engine Components and Client Components. 通过SQL Server安装程序中的“功能选择”对话,可以安装引擎组件和客户端组件。
- She helped to select a dress for Ruth. 她帮着给露丝选了一件衣裳。
- Feature selection is one of key factors that influences the development of text classification. 摘要特征选择是影响文本分类技术发展的关键因素之一。
- Pattern classification of flaw is carried out with BP neural network and the feature selected. 利用BP神经网络分类器及选择的特征值对缺陷进行了模式分类。