- Study of feature points detecting technique for trajectory measurement system. 轨迹测量系统中特征点检测技术研究。
- A method on detection of feature points based on muti-scale space is presented. 提出了一种在不同尺度空间下特征点提取的方法。
- RATES uses bottom-up method to precisely locate feature points on human face by 13 training data sets. 特别在人脸特征定位方面,该系统使用自底向上的方法,通过13个训练集的学习,能够由局部至整体地对人脸各器官及特征点进行精确定位。
- These parts include the emendation of photos, camera calibration and how to obtain feature points. 这些关键的环节包括相机畸变校正、相机定标以及特征匹配点的获取。
- This paper mainly researches the application that one uses the trifocal tensor to get feature points and feature lines. 本文重点研究了三视张量在图像点特征及线特征获取中的应用。
- This paper discusses the methods of extracting feature points based on unitary of illumination, also gives the experimental result. 本文以点特征提取为例,对光照归一化的特征点提取方法进行了探讨,并给出了实验结果。
- This segment algorithm is applied in ear image and feature points and curves of outside ear are extracted,which helps to recognize. 将这种分割算法应用到耳形图像的分割,外耳形状的特征点和特征线明显的分割出来,非常利于识别;
- According to the position of lip feature points extracted fromvideo images, the lip model can be driven with Kriging method. 根据视频图像中提取的唇部特征点的位置信息,计算出唇部模型特征点的运动信息,应用Kriging方法,驱动唇部模型的运动。
- The second part is Facial Tracking. Facial Tracking can extract the feature points of a human subject in the synthetic speech video. 第二个部份是脸部追踪。脸部追踪可以从合成的语音影片中找出在人脸上的特徵点所在位置。
- The model uses feature points to classify the pixels in the scene, then compute their updating rates according to their classification information. 该模型利用特征点信息将场景中的像素点分类,并针对不同类别像素点计算其更新速率;
- The feature points, viz. end points, fork points and corner points are detected in the thinned image of connected characters. 对粘连字符图像作细化处理,检测端点、叉点和角点等特徵点,根据特徵点提取笔段。
- Two elastic registration methods based on two sets of corresponding feature points for human eyeground and brain images are presented. 使用薄板样条方法,利用两个对应标志点集对眼底、脑等多种医学图像进行弹性配准。
- The convex hulls were extracted from the feature points of the reference and test images, and then the affine invariants were calculated. 该方法利用从参考图和测试图中得到的特征点提取其凸壳,并计算凸壳的仿射不变特征向量。
- The depth variances of feature points affect the precision of inter frame motion estimation based on commonly used affine model. 图象点深度变化对常用的基于仿射模型的帧间运动估计方法精度影响比较大。
- Feature points extraction system is finding 16 facial feature points in located human face by many image process skills. 特徵点抽取系统是在定位的人脸中,利用各影像处理技巧,找出脸部的16特徵点。
- The feature points in template and tracking window are detected and the areas around the feature points in template are chosen as feature templates. 首先,分别在模板图像和目标图像中进行特征点检测,然后将模板图像中检测到的特征点附近区域作为特征模板。
- Combining with the information of nostril, it presented a lip feature extraction method to accurately locate six key lip feature points. 结合人脸结构信息,提出了融合鼻孔角度信息的嘴唇特征点提取方法。
- An approach to contour extraction and feature point detection in the 3-D fragment reassembly is proposed. 针对三维空间碎片的拼接,提出一种轮廓提取和特征点检测的方法。
- Thereinto, the problem of matching feature points and feature lines introduce the trifocal tensor as the constraint condition. 其中,特征点、线的匹配问题引入了三视张量约束条件。
- A method(GA-AAM) for searching facial feature points combining AAM with genetic algorithm(GA) is proposed,which can improve the precision of searched chin contours. 采用一种结合遗传算法和活动外表模型(AAM)的人脸特征点定位方法(GA-AAM);对AAM算法在下巴轮廓提取中的不能精确收敛问题作了改进.