- A self-adaptive feature extraction method based on power spectral centroid is proposed. 摘要提出一种基于功率谱重心的自适应特征信息提取方法。
- The directional feature is considered suitable for handwriten chinese character recognition, and it has been widely used as one of the main feature extraction method. 摘要网格方向特征在手写体汉字识别系统中得到广泛应用,被认为是目前较成熟的手写体汉字特征之一。
- In this paper, by combining wavelet transform and Mahalanobis range, a feature extraction method of radar target using ISAR Imaging is presented. 将小波变换和马氏距离相结合,提出了一种基于ISAR成像的雷达目标特征提取方法。
- This feature extraction method is simple and the precision has little effect on feature invariants because of expanding the scope of the template. 这种特征提取的方法简单,并且由于扩大了模板取值范围,使识别效果受特征点漏检的影响较小。
- This paper proposed a MFCC feature extraction method based on pitch period to improve the performance of speaker recognition. 摘要提出了一种可用于改善说话人识别效果的基于基音周期的可变窗长语音MFCC参数提取方法。
- Combining with the information of nostril, it presented a lip feature extraction method to accurately locate six key lip feature points. 结合人脸结构信息,提出了融合鼻孔角度信息的嘴唇特征点提取方法。
- A feature extraction method of high-range-resolution radar profiles, which takes advantage of wavelet packet transform and modified SVD(singular value decomposition) was proposed. 提出了基于小波包变换和改进奇异值分解的高分辨雷达目标一维距离像特征提取方法。
- The low-performance cameras, high efficient feature extraction method and sophisticated solution for homography make the cost of expanding the system low. 低端摄像头、高效率的特征提取方法和一致性矩阵求解算法使系统扩展成本大大降低。
- A new feature extraction method based on auditory model is proposed, which simulates function of human beings ears using the new psychoacoustic research results. 运用听觉心理学的最新研究成果,在3个层次上模仿人耳的处理机理,提出了基于听觉模型的水中目标辐射噪声的特征提取方法。
- A feature extraction method of singular event based on multi-scale wavelet is presented.Time series is divided into event subsequences with independent trend. 摘要提出一种基于小波的多尺度奇异事件特征提取方法,将时间序列分割为一系列具有独立趋势形态的事件子序列;
- Using principal component analysis(PCA) as feature extraction method,the SVM-based MSPC method was demonstrated by application to a benchmark simulator Tennessee Eastman process. The results showed the advantages. 并且故障识别是基于SVM对故障特征分类的优良特性;避免了传统判别法中经验准则的引入.;上述方法在标准仿真平台Tennessee Eastman过程上结合主元分析(PCA)进行了应用;结果显示了其优越性
- By implementing the feature extraction method on the MPI and ORL face database, we gain average error 96.7% and 86% respectively.The result shows that the method has good performance. 在MPI和ORL人脸数据库上进行的人脸特徵检测得到的平均误差分别为96.;7%25和86%25,该结果表明了基于线性组合模型的人脸特徵检测方法是有效和实用的。
- The improved MFCC feature extraction method was also used in the verification experiment of the text-independent speaker recognition.The result shows the recognition rate is improved. 通过文本无关的说话人确认实验,验证了该方法能有效提高说话人确认的识别率,并能提高短时语音的稳定性。
- Feature extracting method for text information is one of theemphasis of this thesis. 论文详细研究了标题栏的结构特征和文字信息提取方法,介绍了标题栏信息存储的方法。
- Two different feature extraction methods,PCA and DCT,are applied to show their effects on the result. 文中使用了两种不同的方法进行图像的特征提取,它们是主元分析法和离散余弦变换法,结果显示,不同的特征提取方法对训练分类的结果会产生一定影响。
- On the basis of analyzing and comparing existing methods, it presents a motion feature extraction method which is based on movement object in video. 该方法的基本思想是,利用差分分析法提取视频中运动对象的运动轨迹,将其轨迹曲率作为运动特征之一;
- Aiming at the characteristic in feature extraction of cold steel strip surface defect images,a mixed feature extraction method of separable criterion based on class distance is proposed. 针对冷轧带钢表面缺陷图像特征提取的特点,提出了基于类距离可分离性判据的混合特征提取方法。
- We design a new feature extraction method that generates rotation and translation invariant features and use the Procrustes algorithm to find the key substructures which are denoted by radicals. 摘要:蛋白质结构的分析及排列是一个在生物学及医学上有著重要的应用而受到广泛大众重视的研究领域。
- In chapter 1, Firstly, fault feature extraction methods and their characteristics in FDD are introduced briefly, research progress, existing problems and application prospects on the fault signal processing with wavelet are stated in detail. 第一章概述了故障检测与诊断技术中故障特征提取方法的研究进展、存在问题及应用前景。
- Based on the above-mentioned feature extraction methods and pattern recognition method,a gear transmission fault diagnosis system is designed and applied in diagnosing the gear transmission fault. 在上述特征向量提取研究和特征向量的识别研究的基础上,用小波包作为信号的特征提取方法和神经网络作为分类器,设计一个变速箱齿轮故障诊断系统并应用于变速箱齿轮的故障诊断。