- favorable trade status 贸易最惠国地位
- Last year, we manage to attain a favorable trade balance in our foreign trade. 去年,我们成功地实现了外贸贸易顺差。
- Last year,we manage to attain a favorable trade balance in our foreign trade. 去年,我们成功地实现了外贸贸易顺差。
- It does not mean revoking China's established normal trade status," he said. 这不意味着取消中国已有的正常贸易关系地位。"
- This act also includes the Andes Favored Trade Act. 这项立法也括及安地斯贸易优惠法。
- The Andes Favored Trade Act expired last December. 安地斯贸易优惠法已于去年十二月届满。
- On June 3, US President Bill Clinton announced his decision to renew China's NTR trade status unconditionally for another year. 一九九九年六月三日,美国总统克林顿宣布决定无条件延续中国正常贸易关系地位一年。
- On June 3,1999,US President Bill Clinton announced his decision to renew China's NTR trade status unconditionally for another year. 一九九九年六月三日,美国总统克林顿宣布决定无条件延续中国正常贸易关系地位一年。
- OTL puts great emphasis upon the tenet of “Best sevice and highest quality” during a variety of operations and has already established favorable trade cooperation with decades of countries and areas. 公司在各项业务中认真体现“服务至上,质量第一”的宗旨,目前已与数十个国家和地区的广大客户建立了良好的贸易合作关系。
- First it analyses the trade status of the telecommunication service market in China, and introduces its scale, the main providers and the development trend of market. 论文首先分析了中国通信服务市场的行业环境,介绍通信市场的规模、主要运营商竞争情况和市场发展趋势;
- China's wanton disregard for the rule of law raises serious questions about its suitability for membership in the World Trade Organization and its permanent normal trade status with the United States. 中国不怀好意的忽略了进入世界贸易组织的资格的有关法规,而这是会对他加入该组织会产生严重的问题的,他也忽略了美国给予的永久正常贸易关系会因此产生的严重问题。
- On many aspects such as spatial location, trade status, economic basis and marketing carrier, with relying on part, Tianjin has many optimums to become a head to drive the Jing-Jin-Ji economy. 从空间区位、贸易地位、经济基础、市场载体等多方面分析,天津具有足够优势成为依托港口带动京津冀经济发展的龙头。
- Robert Wexler, a Florida Democrat and frequent critic of free trade said "we gave China 'most favored nation' trading status an the President signed it. 他反问道:“看看我们自己的政府都作了些什么,难道国会不应为此而感到羞耻吗?”
- He did all he could to win his favor. 他尽其所能去赢得他的好感。
- A favorable review from him can make a play. 他赞赏的评论能使这场戏成功
- Six months later,the governments of the two countries signed the "Agreement on Trade Relations Between the People's Republic of China and the United States of America''granting each other the most-favoured-nation trading status. 六个月后,两国政府签订《中美贸易关系协定》,相互给予最惠国待遇。
- Most people were favorable to the idea. 大多数人赞成这个主意。
- The ship forged ahead under a favorable wind. 船乘风快速前进。
- She implored me to do her a favor. 她恳求我帮她这个忙。
- To monitor current trade status for saiga horns; 严格监控羚羊角的贸易状况;