- fatigue small cracks 疲劳小裂纹
- The cryosections did not show any signs of fatigue in the polymethyl methacrylate, but small cracks were in the calcium phosphate. 经低温切割,聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯没有显示出任何疲劳(裂纹)征象,而磷酸钙则可见较小的裂缝。
- Pore size is the symmetry, whether a small crack. 孔的粗细是否匀称,有无细小裂纹。
- If small cracks sometimes hair, careful observation. 裂痕有时细如毛发,要仔细观察。
- As the rock dilates, small cracks in it become larger. 当岩层膨胀时,它表面的缝隙开始变大。
- Bashies - Malleable anchors that are literally bashed into small cracks for use in aid climbing. Tough to remove. 可被凿入很小裂缝的有延展性的锚状物,用于器械攀登。很难取出。
- If the Department of wood on the air dried, the wood will rapidly lose water, dry on the surface, small cracks appear. 如果把木材放在风口处风干,木材内的水分会迅速失去,表面干裂,出现细小裂纹。
- The scientists say such changes are caused when rocks push together, forcing air out of small cracks in the rock. 科学家说这种变化是由岩石挤压在一起引起的,迫使岩石上一些小缝隙中的空气被挤压出来。
- The vehicles can have small cracks in the gas tanks that leak fuel fumes. Nissan will repair the problem free of charge. 据透露,这些问题汽车的油箱或会出现裂开的现象,从而导致汽车冒烟并有刺激气味。日产汽车会尽快对此事进行处理并免费对问题汽车进行维修。
- If the air-dry wood on tuyere Office, the wood will quickly lose moisture, surface parch and split, the emergence of small cracks. 如果把木材放在风口处风干,木材内的水分会迅速失去,表面干裂,出现细小裂纹。
- Service air-dry wood on the air since then, the wood will quickly lose moisture, surface parch and split, the emergence of small cracks. 因为这时木料放在通风口处风干,木材内的水分会迅速丢失,表面干裂,出现细小裂纹。
- In the complete deformation process, the permeability coefficient of brown mudstone is influenced by porosity and small cracks, boty effects are not distinguishable. 褐红色泥岩的渗透系数在整个应变过程中同时受孔隙和微裂隙的影响,两者的作用没有明显差别。
- For small cracks the tearing energy was dependent on the crack length,while the tearing energy was constant for long carack. 在小裂纹情况下,撕裂能强烈依赖于裂纹尺寸;
- Inter Milan official said in a statement: "After inspection, the third metatarsal of his right foot there was a small crack. 国际米兰在官方声明中说:“经过检查,他的右脚第三跖骨出现了一个小裂缝。
- Microstructural effects in small crack growth and analytical description of small crack growth rate are emphatically analyzed. 着重对疲劳小裂纹扩展的微观机制、解析描述进行了分析和讨论;
- He was beaten out with fatigue when he got home. 他回到家里时已是疲惫不堪。
- The coating surface had the small crack and a tiny spherical body pellet, which is crystalloid by observation of the microstructure picture of the coating. 观察镀层的显微组织照片,可以看出镀层表面有微小的裂纹,同时也有一层细小的颗粒的球状体,类似晶核。
- She fell out from extreme fatigue. 她由于极度疲劳而掉队了。
- A very funny joke may relieve you of a whole day's fatigue. 一则非常滑稽的笑话可以使你消除一天的疲劳。
- The aeroplane wing showed signs of metal fatigue. 机翼显出有金属疲劳的现象。