- fast reactor test 快速反应堆测试
- The modular fast reactor core conceptual design is performed. 模块快堆的堆芯概念设计方案;
- The fast reactor safety analysis is the foundation and key of FBR research work. 快堆安全分析是快堆研究工作的基础和重点。
- An accelerator driven sub critical fast reactor (ADSFR) was used to study the Pu burning of weapons grade. 选取加速器驱动次临界快堆 (ADSFR)进行燃烧武器级钚研究。
- A longer-term option could involve recycling all the transuranics (plutonium is one example of a transuranic element), perhaps in a so-called fast reactor. 一种比较长远的做法是,在再次循环中使用所有的超铀元素(钸就是一种超铀元素),可能会用在快中子反应器里。
- One of the most promising products of this experimental technology is the integral fast reactor developed by the Argonne National Laboratory. 这一实验技术的最大成果之一是由阿根国家实验室设计的整体式快速反应堆。
- Along with the development of nuclear power technology in china,it is necessary to develop the fast breeder reactor(fast reactor)through own efforts. 随着我国核电技术的发展,自主研制钠冷快中子增殖堆十分必要。
- Along with the development of nuclear power technology in china, it is necessary to develop the fast breeder reactor (fast reactor) through own efforts. 摘要随着我国核电技术的发展,自主研制钠冷快中子增殖堆十分必要。
- The fuel subassembly total instantaneous blockage accident can cause core structure and fuel melt,even lead to a core disrupt accident(CDA) in fast reactor. 燃料组件瞬间完全堵流(TIB)事故可能导致快堆堆芯结构材料和燃料的熔化,并可能引发堆芯解体事故(CDA)。
- The results indicate that the thermodynamic changes of thermoelectric generator can insure the safety of thermoelectric device and space fast reactor in case of the accident. 结果表明,在空间快堆发生事故时,温差发电器的热力学变化足以保证热电装置和空间快堆的安全性。
- IGCAR features state-of-the-art technology that supports development of innovative procedures for reliable and quantitative NDE of fast reactor components. 英迪拉甘地原子能研究中心的特色是研究支持可靠和定量无损检测的快堆组件创新过程发展的最新技术。
- Special Power Excursion Reactor Test 专用的功率陡增反应堆试验
- ARTE (Admiralty Reactor Test Establishment) 海军部反应堆试验研究所
- Admiralty Reactor Test Establishment 海军部反应堆试验研究所
- Central Facilities National Reactor Test Station 国家反应堆试验站中央设施
- This new type of propulsion system is consisted of minitype fast reactor, alkali-metal thermal-to-electric conversion (AMTEC) device, steam-guide spray-water thruster, superconducting magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) propulsor and so on. 新型核动力推进装置由微小型快中子堆、碱金属热电直接转换元件、蒸汽引射式喷水推进器、超导磁流体推进器等主要设备组成。
- Abstract: A model was developed to predict the results of a total instantaneous blockage (TIB) of a single subassembly inlet in a fast reactor at full power based on the SCARABEE-N series experiments. 文章摘要: 为了预测正常功率下快堆单个燃料组件入口瞬间完全堵流所导致的事故序列,根据SCARABEE-N系列实验建立了相关模型。
- Abstract The design programme of nitrogen gas cooling system of a plugging meter in the primaryauxiliary system of the First Fast Reactor(FFR) in our country is proved in the paper. 摘要 文章论证了我国第一座快堆FFR一次辅助系统阻塞计冷却系统的设计方案;
- Abstract Piping preinstallation in China Experimental Fast Reactor(CEFR) was realized by 3D software simulation to find out and resolve the problems in the process of system layout and installation. 摘要 利用三维软件模拟设备及管系,在计算机上实现设备和管系的预安装,提前发现并解决中国实验快堆工程系统布置和安装过程中存在的问题。
- Piping preinstallation in China Experimental Fast Reactor (CEFR) was realized by 3D software simulation to find out and resolve the problems in the process of system layout and installation. 摘要利用三维软件模拟设备及管系,在计算机上实现设备和管系的预安装,提前发现并解决中国实验快堆工程系统布置和安装过程中存在的问题。