- fashion design major 服装设计专业
- Shenzhen Zudane Fashion Design Co., Ltd. 深圳市诗旦妮时装设计有限公司。
- Malan,Could you teach me the fashion design? 能请你教我设计时装吗?
- Marwa loves fashion design and she likes acting. 马尔瓦喜欢时装设计及她喜欢代理。
- The new fashion designer was brimming over with good ideas. 新来的服装设计师满脑子好主意。
- Her wedding apparel is made by a very famous fashion designer. 她的结婚礼服是由一位非常著名的时装设计师制作的。
- Spanish fashion designer noted for his stark, elegant designs. 巴伦西亚加,克里斯特帕1895-1972西班牙服装设计师,以其严谨精致的设计闻名
- This young fashion designer is rising to prominence. 这位年轻的时装设计师的声望越来越高。
- Fashion design is a career which needs a lot of practice. 服装设计是一种实践性非常强的职业。
- If there is one thing that interests me, it's fashion design. 如果有什么使我感兴趣的话,那就是时装设计。
- Textbook Series for Industrial Design Major (8 volumes)Ni Peiming, etc. 工业设计专业系列教材(8册)
- In fact, I want to be a fashion designer. 事实上,我想成为一个时装设计师。
- Andy and Jess are at a fashion designer's party. 安迪和洁丝在一场由时装设计师开的派对上。
- She's the fashion designer of the moment. 她是当前最红的时装设计师。
- She's a famous fashion designer. 她是个著名的时装设计师。
- Jim's dream is becoming a fashion designer. 吉姆的梦想是成为一名时装设计师。
- Dannish Fashion designer made dress by herself. 丹麦服装设计师亲手定做服装。
- Since art design major is a brink subject, it is the key how to grasp the relation between art andtechnology, and incorporate this kind of relation in curriculum construction. 艺术设计专业是边缘性学科,如何把握好艺术与技术之间的关系,并将这种关系融入到课程建设之中,是搞好本专业的关键。
- I wanted to be fashion designer. 我梦想成为一名时装设计师。
- Jiangsu examinee culture 409 art 273 can you go up do the dress design of institute of technology of profession of Suzhou arts and crafts and project or dress design major? 江苏考生文化409美术273能上苏州工艺美术职业技术学院的服装设计与工程或服装设计专业吗?