- A groomer prepares a dog for a fashion show during the Pets Fashion Week. 小宠物们盛装打扮出席时尚宠物周末秀。
- IT is Fashion Week, the temperatures are subfreezing, and so an ode to the snug down coat is due. 时尚周到了,但温度低于零度,因此歌颂一下温暖的羽绒服是必要的。
- Girls from Russia, USA, Australia, Croatia, Ukraine, and Brazil come to try their luck at the fashion week. 来自俄罗斯,美国,澳大利亚,克罗地亚,乌克兰和巴西的女孩们来时装周一试运气。
- At the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in Los Angeles in October, the emphasis was on environmentally friendly clothing. 今年十月在洛杉矶的宾士时尚周,重点就是环保的衣服。
- This Chihuahua got appropriately gussied for the first-ever Pet Fashion Week in Moscow, Russia. 这只吉娃娃身穿盛装,准备参加在俄罗斯莫斯科城举行的第一届宠物时装周。
- Traffic hell engulfs New York this week when the U.N. World Summit and Fashion Week coincide in Manhattan. 交通恶梦本周吞噬纽约,当联合国世界高峰会与时尚周同时在曼哈顿登场。
- My bluff was called one sunny morning when our beauty editor swept in from a London fashion week assignation. 我的骗局在一个阳光明媚的早晨被揭穿了,当时我们漂亮的编辑从伦敦时装周回来。
- Model Imogen Morris Clarke takes her camera backstage at Chanel, Valentino and Miu Miu during Paris Fashion Week. 请尊重版权,转载发表天使模特网的原创文章时,请注明作者、出处并保持完整。
- Russian women carefully paint their Yorkshire terrier\'s nails in preparation for Pet Fashion Week. 几位俄罗斯女人正认真地给约克夏猎犬涂指甲油,为参加宠物时装表演做准备。
- In New York, it's fashion week, and from the sidewalks to the catwalks, Manhattan streets are host to these women. 现在是纽约的时尚周,从人行道到伸展台,曼哈顿的街头成为这些女人的舞台。
- The report coincides with Fashion Week and is a harbinger of color challenges printers will be called to meet. 该报告同时时装周,并预示着彩色打印机的挑战将要求满足。
- Life in an Indonesian slum, the world's biggest egg to be sold at auction, fashion week in Beijing and more. 大概内容:欧洲议会表决议案;世界最大蛋拍卖;希腊庆祝独立日;巴基斯坦骚乱;印度报纸编辑被杀;美国游客准备遨游太空......
- Hundreds of business people, models, photographers and journalist from all over the world have converged on Beijing to take part in China Fashion Week. 来自世界各地数以百计的商人、模特、摄影师和记者为了参加中国时装周而云集北京。
- This is the Barcelona conference fashion fixed programs annually that they will be invited to participate in foreign designers BCN Fashion Week activities. 本次时装发布会是巴塞罗那的固定节目,每年他们都会邀请以为国外设计师参加BCN时尚周的活动。
- Last season at Montreal Fashion Week, James Bassil identified the trend of grounded formal wear in his review of style lessons from Dinh Ba. 上赛季在蒙特利尔时装周,詹姆斯巴锡尔确定的趋势,接地正式穿在他的审查风格教训定省钡。
- Especially in Milan Fashion Week, almost all the global brands except Gucci introduced materials of pattern and color typical of their own style. 尤其在米兰时装周期间,所发布的服装系列中除了Gucci之外,几乎所有的国际时装品牌都推出了代表自己品牌风格特征的花色图案。
- Sharapova noted that the U.S. Open, which runs Aug. 27-Sept. 8, coincides with New York Fashion Week and she tries to make it to at least one show. 莎拉波娃说,美网公开赛将从8月27日持续至9月8日,纽约时装周也将在此期间开幕。她说她要去看至少一场时装秀。
- For the first time, McDonald’s was a sponsor of New York Fashion Week in February, promoting a new line of hot drinks to trendsetting women. 麦当劳也第一次在二月份举办的纽约时装周上向引领潮流的女性推销一款新的热饮。
- Pink, who just kicked off her world tour, will unveil the ad today during fashion week in Paris with PETA pal Stella McCartney . 皮革用鳄鱼通常被铁锤击打致死,甚至有时他们被剥皮后依然清醒,直到两个小时后才死去。
- Chelsea's sleek new look was first displayed this week at the exhibition of Donatella Versace's sexy new clothing line at Paris Fashion Week. 昨日,她在华盛顿一语双关地说:“在我们这个家庭里,头发总是会引起争议。”