- A couple of hours farther along the road, at Anding district hospital, we meet Dr Zhong Rufang, who has dedicated herself to providing for the medical needs of women in this poor, remote community. 沿着公路行驶了几个小时。在一个地区医院,我们遇到了钟汝芳医生。他致力于为那些边远贫困地区的妇女提供医务需要。
- An old jeep is putter along the road. 一辆旧吉普车沿路迤逦而来。
- The big car purred along the road. 那辆大汽车一路呜呜地开了过去。
- The bandits laid for the policemen along the road. 匪徒埋伏在路边等着袭击警察。
- When that recovery did not occur farm leaders moved further along the road toward advanced governmental participation. 当那种恢复没有成为事实时,农业界领导人就进一步要求政府干涉。
- The shabby houses used to range along the road. 过去这路边破败的房子排成行。
- The drunkard tottered along the road. 醉鬼在路上踉跄行走。
- The old man plods wearily along the road. 老头拖着疲惫而又沉重的步子沿公路走着。
- The professor bumbled absent-mindedly along the road. 教授心不在焉地沿途瞎遛。
- As I walk along the road, I muse on what I shall say. 我沿著大路一边走一边想著该说些什麽。
- There are many luminous road signs along the roads. 沿着路有许多夜光路标。
- Crowds massed along the road where the king would pass. 群众聚集在国王要经过的街道旁。
- She shouldered her rucksack and set off along the road. 她背起帆布背包就上路了。
- On the way back home, I was out of gasoline on a lonely road far from a town. I had to walk along the high way and suddenly I happened on a big house near the road. 在回家的路上,我的车行驶到远离城镇的偏僻处,汽油用完了。我不得不沿公路走着,突然发现离路不远有座大房子。
- A horse pulled the cart along the road. 一匹马拉着大车沿着大路走。
- Bethune experimented further along the same lines. 白求恩在这方面继续进行实验。
- The strong wind puffed up dust along the road. 大风沿路吹起一阵阵的灰尘。
- The policemen laid for the bandits along the road. 警察埋伏在路边等著袭击匪徒。
- He told me which wells were usable along the road. 他告诉我沿线那些井是可用的。
- I saw him strike into a bookshop along the road. 我看见他突然拐进路旁一家书店里去了。