- far infrared control 远红外技术
- Compound far infrared ray and rubber materials. 红外线胶质复合式材料。
- The focal points of control in the production of far infrared regenerated 3D crimp PET staple fiber was introduced. 摘要介绍了利用再生材料生产远红外三维卷曲中空涤纶短纤维的生产控制要点。
- The top quality far infrared ray regenerated 3D crimp PET staple fiber was manufactured by the control of material and adjusting of spinning parameters and post process. 通过原料的把关,前后纺工艺的调整,生产出了质优价廉的远红外再生三维卷曲中空涤纶短纤维。
- This product can eliminate the fat through the far infrared function. 独特远红外功能,更有效消脂减肥,快速消除身体各部位多余脂肪。
- Adopted far infrared metal heating tube, fast heating and energy saving. 采用远红外线金属电热管加热、热风循环,加热速度快、温度均匀、省电。
- Far infrared energy (FIR) or long-wave radiation is commonly described as heat. 远红外线(缩写成FIR)或是长波的辐射线通常被称做热.
- Far infrared effects can promote blood circulation and reduce fatigue. 远红外线效应能促进血液循环,消除疲劳。
- In order to avoid manually operating and maintaining failure cut tobacco feeding dolly overhead, the dollies were equipped with remote infrared control. 为了避免在空中对故障供丝小车进行手动操作和维修,利用红外遥控技术对供丝小车进行了遥控改造。
- The HCN laser makes possible studies of the hitherto inaccessible region of the far infrared. HCN激光使得至今尚未达到的远红外区域的研究成为可能。
- Release the Far Infrared Rays to increase the Oxygen in the water and promote the fish's metabolism and spawn. 释放远红外线,增加水中溶氧量,促进宠鱼新陈代谢,提高宠鱼产卵能力。
- Newest high efficient far infrared drying technology, high prductivity and smail installed power. 一机多用,综合兼容,一套设备可进行多样品种生产。
- Grating spectrometers, used over the ranges from soft x-rays to the far infrared, have enjoyed continued interest. 使用范围从软x射线到远红外线的光栅光谱仪继续受到注意。
- Radiation at far infrared frequencies is absorbed by water and radiated by charcoal. 该远红外线被水吸收,利用木炭进行辐射。
- Three kinds of far infrared powders suspension, and application of them to leather were studied. 对相同成分、不同粒径的3种远红外粉体悬浮液的分散性能及在皮革上的应用情况进行了研究。
- YiXingShiFu Xing Far Infrared Heater Plant is ,Specialized in manufacturing far infrared radiant heat ceramic heaters. 宜兴复兴红外加热设备厂是生产远红外辐射热陶瓷发热体的专业工厂。
- The main purpose of thesis is software design for LCD Display with Infrared Controller and TTS speech broadcasting function on microcontroller. 本论文主要目标是将单晶片微处理器设计使用在LCD显示及红外线遥控装置之语音拨放应用。
- A Rule for Universal Infrared Control 新型的红外遥控器
- Middle to far infrared characteristics of high temperature superconductive YBCO thin film illuminated with BFEL[J]. 引用该论文 王鸣凯;李羲之;范耀辉;陆辉华;李永贵;杨学平;吴钢.
- The principle,method and effect of a new infrared controlling instrument installed fibre glass machine of earthen crucible are introduced. 介绍了对陶土坩埚玻璃拉丝机加装红外测控仪的原理、方法及试用效果。