- Far be it from me to tell you what to do. 我是不会告诉你干些什么的。
- Far be it from me to insult the pun! 我毫不亵渎隐语。
- Far be it from me to beg his mercy. 我绝不会乞求他的怜悯。
- Far be it from me to call her an ugly woman. 我决不会说她是丑女人。
- Far be it from me to condemn him. 我决不责备他。
- Far be it from me to scold him in any way. 我不会以任何方式训斥他的。
- Far be it from me to betray a friendship I hold so sacred. 所以我不愿欺骗我认为神圣的友谊。
- Yes,I did that; far be it from me to hurt your feelings. 是的,我是那样做的,但我绝无伤害你感情的意思。
- Yes, I did that; far be it from me to hurt your feelings. 是的,我是那样做的,但我绝无伤害你感情的意思。
- Well, far be it from me to suggest you change your lazy, slothful lifestyle. 那么,我建议改变你的懒惰,改掉你的偷懒的生活方式。
- But Naboth said to Ahab, By the Lord, far be it from me to give you the heritage of my fathers. 亚哈因耶斯列人拿伯说、我不敢将我先人留下的产业给你、就闷闷不乐的回宫、躺在床上、转脸向内、也不吃饭。
- far be it from me to criticize 我并不想指责谁
- Far be it from me to interfere in your affairs but I would like to give you just one piece of advice. 我决无意干涉你的事,但我只想给你提个建议。
- Far be it from me to resort to threats,but I'm afraid you have to carry out the contract completely. 我极不情愿威胁你,但是恐怕你得彻底履行合同。
- Far be it from me to resort to threats,but I'm afraid I'll have to look somewhere else for suppliers if you can't keep you words. 我决不是想要进行威胁,但是我如果您不能信守诺言我恐怕就不得不另找供应厂商了。
- Far be it from me to suggest any change in your plan,but don't you think it would be better to ask for financial support from the government? 我毫无建议你修改计划之意,但你不认为向政府求得资助更好些吗?
- Rhett: Well, far be it from me to question the teachings of childhood. Tell me what you've done that hell yawns before you. 瑞特:哦,小时候受的什么教育离我可太远了。告诉我你到底做了什么要下地狱呢。
- Now, far be it from me to begrudge the Vietnamese their moment in the sun before global capital finds them too costly and moves on to Bangladesh and Somalia. 在全球资本因越南劳动力成本上升到很难承受并转移到孟加拉索马里之前,在我看来我们还远未到羡慕越南的地步。
- Far be it from me to suggest any change in your plan, but don't you think it would be better to ask for financial support from the government? 我毫无建议你修改计划之意,但你不认为向政府求得资助更好些吗?
- And Joab answered and said, Far be it, far be it from me, that I should swallow up or destroy. 约押回答说,我决不吞灭毁坏