- Vibration Isolating Study on a Centrifugal Fan Noise Controlling System used in a. 风机风井噪声治理隔振研究。
- Fan noise has been used in telephone booths to mask speech interference from adjacent booths. 电话亭里风扇的噪音可用来掩盖来自隔壁电话亭的话音干扰。
- There won't be any users of this projector opting to run in lower lumen output modes in order to reduce fan noise. 不会有任何用户的投影机选择运行在较低的流明输出模式,以减少风扇噪音。
- Neise W. and Koopman G. H., "Reduction of Centrifugal Fan Noise by Use of Resonator", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.73, No.2, pp. 297-308, 1980. 洪宗扬,"后倾式离心风机之噪音研究",国立台湾工业技术学院硕士论文,1996年。
- The change of airflow convective accelerating factor to the effect of fan noise is analyzed &calculated according to the mechanism of aerodynamic noise generated in airflow field. 根据空气流场中空气动力性噪声的产生机理,分析并计算了离心式通风机叶轮中,气流相对加速度系数的变化对风机噪声的影响。
- Introduced the noise classification and the mechanism of centrifugal fan in the rubber industry, and analyzed the conversion of centrifugal fan noise level. 介绍了橡胶工业用离心风机的噪声分类及噪声机理,分析了离心风机噪声级的换算。
- The light amplification mechanism of fanning noise in doped lithium niobate crystals was analyzed and the light amplification competition between the signal beam and the fanning noise was discussed. 分析了掺杂铌酸锂晶体的扇形噪声光的形成机制,讨论了信号光与扇形噪声光之间的光放大竞争问题。
- Cause of BoiLer Fan Noise And Its Control 浅谈鼓风机噪声的产生与防治
- The Regulation for the Main Fan Noise 风机噪声治理
- Cooling fan noise is expressed in decibels (dBA) 冷却风扇的噪音是表示分贝(分贝)。
- The System Design for Fan Noise Reducing 风机降噪系统设计
- Review of Research on Fan Noise Reduction 风机降噪研究的现状与分析
- A loud noise from the street diverted my attention. 街上一阵喧闹声转移了我的注意力。
- The infatuated fan stalked the celebrity. 那位着了迷的崇拜者追踪这位名人。
- She glanced shyly at him from behind her fan. 她羞怯地从她的扇子后面看了他一眼。
- The noise awoke her from her revery. 这声音把我她从沉思中惊醒。
- That noise is driving me frantic. 那种噪音真要把我弄疯了。
- The thick walls deadened the noise from the street. 这道厚墙隔绝了街上的噪音。
- I'm a secret fan of soap operas on TV. 我从不声张我是电视连续剧迷。
- A noise abatement notice is served on the club. 向俱乐部发停止大声喧哗的通知。