- fancy milk chocolate 精制牛奶朱古力
- Do you prefer milk chocolate or plain (chocolate)? 你喜欢牛奶巧克力还是纯巧克力?
- Do you prefer milk chocolate or plain ? 你喜欢牛奶巧克力还是纯巧克力?
- Powdered milk is added for milk chocolate. 牛奶巧克力需要加入牛奶粉。
- I should very much like some of your milk chocolate. 我很想吃几块你的牛奶巧克力。
- The milk chocolate melts in your mouth, not in your hand! 只溶你口,不溶你手!
- Milk chocolate is high in calories, saturated fat and sugar. 奶油巧克力的卡路里、饱和脂肪和糖的含量都很高。
- The milk chocolate eaters had the lowest epicatechin levels of all. 三者之中,牛奶巧克力的进食者含有最低水平的表儿茶酚。
- To find out, Raudenbush had a group of volunteers eat 85 grams of milk chocolate. 布莱恩洛登布舒博士有一个自愿请缨的试验小组,一组食用了85克的牛奶巧克力糖。
- Milk chocolate is not only sweeter and11) creamier, but also more12) affordable. 牛奶巧克力不只是比较甜、较多乳脂,而且还比较便宜。
- Chocolate lovers rejoice. A new study hints that eating milk chocolate may boost brain function. 爱吃巧克力的人们可以欢呼了。最新一项研究表明,吃牛奶巧克力可以增强脑功能。
- Milk Chocolate: The dense fragrance melts your heart all into the sweetness and tenderness of love. 牛奶巧克力:浓浓香味,沁人心脾,融化柔情蜜意。
- That means that milk chocolate is generally 9) favored over its dark 10) counterpart. 所以牛奶巧克力通常比它的黑色同类更受偏爱。
- Ingredients: milk chocolate, sugar, co-co, full-milk powder, lecithin, vanillin, toast almond. 主要成分:牛奶巧克力,糖,可可脂,全脂奶粉,蛋黄素,香草荚,烤杏仁。
- The Japanese prefer milk chocolate, the Thais go for white chocolate and in Hong Kong and Singapore, dark varieties come out as favorites. 日本人喜爱牛奶巧克力,泰国人对白巧克力情有独钟,而在香港和新加坡,各式黑巧克力则更受欢迎。
- Compound color, Fruit green and leaf green, milk chocolate palm tree, grape purple, melanin, egg red etc. 复合色品种:果绿、嫩叶绿、牛奶巧克力棕、葡萄紫、黑色素、鸡蛋黄、番茄红等。
- We offer have the basic choice of dark chocolate (55%), milk chocolate (36%) and white chocolate (33%). 我们所提供的基本选择有黑朱古力(55%25)、牛奶朱古力(36%25)及白朱古力(33%25)。
- Classic Milk Chocolate is GODIVA's silkiest legendary rich in milk flavour and fragrance. 经典牛奶巧克力奶味浓郁,芳气四溢,是GODIVA香滑如丝的极致。
- Pure cane sugar, bourbon vanilla beans, heavy cream lightly caramelized with milk chocolate and a dash of sea salt. 新鲜焦糖奶油加入香草豆及蔗糖,再配上牛奶巧克力制作而成。
- If you favor those milk chocolate bon-bons over the dark variety, you might be better off switching. 如果你喜欢牛奶巧克力胜过黑巧克力,你最好还是改变一下。