- Summary of the famous works on western anthropology. 西方人类学名著提要/王铭铭主编;赵丙祥副主编.
- My Antonia is one of the most famous works of Willa Cather. 《我的安东妮亚》是薇拉·凯瑟最著名的代表作之一。
- World famous work Feng-Shen-Yan-Yi does in a big way. 世界名著封神演义大作。
- "The Outline of Ancient Chinese History" is his most famous work. "中国古代史纲"是他最有名的作品。
- Taken together, they are his most famous work of science fiction. 收集在一起,它们是他最著名的科幻小说作品。
- This famous work has long enjoyed a worldwide reputation. 这部名著早已名扬四海。
- British anthropologist who examined the importance of magic, religion, and science to the development of human thought in his most famous work, The Golden Bough(1890). 弗雷泽,詹姆斯·乔治1854-1941英国人类学家,在其最著名的作品金枝中研究了巫术、宗教和科学对于人类思想发展的重要性
- The four famous works are the monumental works of Chinese fiction history. 四大名著是中国小说史上的巨制。
- Simplified editions of famous works are suitable for children to read. 名著缩略版很适合儿童阅读。
- She had her opinions as to the character of many famous works of art, differing often from Ralph. 她对许多名画的特点,有她自己的见解,这些见解跟拉尔夫的往往大相径庭。
- Some people have suggested that holograms should be made of all famous works of art. 有人建议把所有著名的艺术品拍摄成全息照相。
- Wuthering Heights is a famous works of Emily Bronte, an outstanding female writer in Britain in the 19th century. 《呼啸山庄》是十九世纪英国杰出女作家艾米莉·勃朗特的不朽作品。
- The Venus de Milo is an ancient Greek statue and one of the most famous works of sculpture. 断臂维纳斯,也称米洛的维纳斯,是一尊古希腊雕像,也是最著名的雕刻作品之一。
- These oil paintings are reproductions of famous works of art by some famous artists like Monet and Dali. 这些油画是一些有名的艺术家,像莫内和达利他们有名作品的复制品。
- The Beautiful Shade of Flower was composed for the famous work of Li Qing Zhao, a female poetry writer of Song Dynasty. 为宋代女词人李清照名作谱写的歌曲。
- But you will gasp in recognition. This is the Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo da Vinci, and is the most famous work of art in the world. 但是你会倒吸一口气一眼认出来,这就是列奥纳多·达·芬奇的《蒙娜·丽莎》,世界上最最著名的艺术品。
- He said: “the different time, has the different person to rescreen the famous work. 他说:“不同的时代,都有不同的人来翻拍名著。
- For that price, they also get an easel, paints and the advice of an arts teacher on how to reproduce the French painter's famous works. 按照规定,一对夫妇需要花费2600英镑(4500美元)才可以在该房间内住上两晚,他们还会得到一个画架以及各种油画颜料,一位美术教师将会专门指导他们如何重新描绘出那位法国画家的著名作品。
- Perha you picture the beautiful old buildings and famous works of art that have made the city one of Europe's leading tourist ots. 也许你还会在脑海中勾勒出那些让威尼斯成为欧洲一流旅游胜地的美丽古老建筑和艺术名作。
- Aldous Huxley took the name of one of his most famous works, The Doors of Perception from this work (and The Doors took their name from Huxleys work). 他认为,思想、行为、信息以及产品常常会像传染病爆发一样,迅速传播蔓延。