- famous doctors experience 名医经验
- famous doctor experience 名医经验
- Alfred Adler, a famous doctor, had an experience which illustrates this. 阿尔弗莱德 - 阿德勒是一位著名的医生,他有过可以说明这点的经历。
- James Herriot was a famous doctor for animals. 詹姆斯赫瑞尔是一个著名的动物医生。
- The medical team was made up of twelve famous doctors. 这个医疗队由12名著名的医生组成。
- We made arrangements for her to be treated by a famous doctor. 我们安排好让一位有名的大夫来给她治疗。
- This famous doctor has operated on many important people. 这位名医为许多重要人物做过手术。
- The famous doctor died in harness,actually it was at a patient's home. 这位名医在身殉职,确切地说是死在病人的家。
- The famous doctor died in harness, actually it was at a patient's home. 这位名医在身殉职,确切地说是死在病人的家。
- James Herriot was a famous doctor for animals.He was born in Scotland in 1915. 詹姆斯.;赫里奥特是英国一位著名的兽医
- His family is well-known in medicine for generations, and has a long line of famous doctors. 他家是有名的世医之家,祖上都是名医。
- And who do you know?d.Cay you say something about some ancient famous doctors such as Li Shizheng and Zhang Zhongjing? 通过讨论,发现彼此在词汇处理和篇章理解方面所采用的不同方法,并对本文的内容进行进一步练习。
- Since he was very rich, his family invited many famous doctors from places around the country to cure him, but none succeeded. 因为他很有钱,所以他的家人从各地请了好多出名的医生来帮他看病,但是都没有人能够把他的病医好。
- Determined to take over Fancheng City, Guan refused to retreat. Seeing Guan's wound getting worse day by day, they sent out scouts to look for famous doctors. 关羽决心攻下樊城,不肯退。将士们见关羽箭伤逐渐加重,便派人四处打听名医。
- One of his parishioners was a very, very famous doctor, whose name was almost a household word in Chicago. 他其中一个会友是很著名的医生,在芝加哥差不多家传户晓。
- Once there lived a very famous doctor whose drugs had relieved various symptoms and cured numerous patients. 从前,一位很有名望的医生用他的药减轻了各种病症并治愈了无数的病人。
- The center recruited a colony of specialists who enjoy the State Council Special Allowance, national famous doctors, youth professors with special skills, and chief physicians. 中心礼聘一批享受国务院特殊津贴专家、国家级名老中医及学有专长的中青年教授、主任医师加盟。
- To Mr Tytell, their last and most famous doctor and psychiatrist, typewriters also confessed their own histories. 泰特尔是打字机最后一个也是最富盛名的内外科及精神病医生,他们向泰特尔何倾述各自的人生。
- Dr.Robert Coles,an internationally famous doctor,is the world’s top expert on the influence of money on children. 博士科尔斯,一个国际知名的医生,是世界顶尖的专家影响的金钱对儿童的影响。
- As a famous doctor, Hua Tuo underwent a transformation from man to god and formed the cults of Hua Tuo in the history. 东汉末期的名医华佗,在历史时期经历了一个由人到神的过程,进而形成了华佗信仰。