- Please give generously to famine relief. 请为饥荒账款慷慨捐赠。
- He's collecting (money) for famine relief. 他正在为赈济饥民募捐.
- He's collecting for famine relief. 他正在为赈济饥民募捐.
- These funds are earmarked for famine relief. 这笔款项是专门拨给救济饥荒用的。
- We made a contribution to the famine relief fund. 我们给饥荒赈济基金捐了款。
- I make a contribution of $100 to the famine relief fund. 我向救灾基金会捐献了一百元钱。
- Adjs: Organizing famine relief presents huge logistical problems. 筹画饥馑救济工作在後勤方面困难极大。
- I made a contribution of $100 to the Famine Relief Fund. 我向救灾基金会捐献了一百美元。
- But,He did buy a ticket for the Famine Relief Ball for us... 但是,他毕竟为饥荒中的我们买了一张赈灾舞会的门票。。。...
- Organizing famine relief presents huge logistical problems. 筹画 馑救济工作在後勤方面困难极大.
- The year after its founding, in 1920, Save the Children made a donation to China of 250 for famine relief. 救助儿童基金会于1920年成立。一年以后,该组织因饥荒灾害向中国无偿捐助250英镑。
- The national union of workers in education and the arts gave 5 per cent of their pay for famine relief. 全国同盟的教育工作者和艺术工作者将他们收入的5%25用于赈济饥荒。
- Conscription, government bonds, economic controls, famine relief and war relief, all without exception have become money-making opportunities for corrupt officials. 举凡兵役也,公债也,经济之统制也,灾民难民之救济也,无不为贪官污吏借以发财之机会。
- Conscription,government bonds,economic controls,famine relief and war relief,all without exception have become money-making opportunities for corrupt officials. 举凡兵役也,公债也,经济之统制也,灾民难民之救济也,无不为贪官污吏借以发财之机会。
- The paper makes a comprehensive introduction to the book of Kangjilu, a monograph on famine relief compiled by Lu Zengyu and made by imperial order of Emperor Qianlong. 本文对乾隆帝“钦定”、曾禹编著的救荒专著《康济录》进行了全面的介绍和具体的分析。
- Gradually mothers and children started coming into the famine relief centre,the mothers thin and emaciated,the children with empty bellied and eyes as big as saucers. 母亲们和孩子们渐渐来到这个救灾中心,一个个母亲形容枯槁,一个个孩子饿着肚子,瞪着圆圆的大眼睛。
- Gradually mothers and children started coming into the famine relief centre, the mothers thin and emaciated, the children with empty bellied and eyes as big as saucers. 母亲们和孩子们渐渐来到这个救灾中心,一个个母亲形容枯槁,一个个孩子饿着肚子,瞪着圆圆的大眼睛。
- The China International Famine Relief Commission provided experience of concerning with rural work for the Government of the Republic of China and commonalty. 华洋义赈会在试点中所创造的经验和引发的教训,为国民政府和关注农村的民间团体提供了有益的借鉴。
- China International Famine Relief Commission was a famine relief charity founded jointly by China and foreign countries in twenties and thirties in the 20th century. 华洋义赈会,是中国华洋义赈救灾总会的简称,是20世纪二三十年代中外合办的慈善救灾团体。
- And thinks the policy of famine relief of the late QingGovernment had many flaws due to the official corruption in the course of implementdespite seemingly carefulness and strictness . 认为晚清政府的救荒政策,尽管表面上缜密细致,但在实际实施过程中,由于吏治的腐败,亦不免纰漏百出。