- Her husband died in the war, making her a widow with four children. 她的丈夫在战争中牺牲了,使她成为带着四个孩子的寡妇。
- A family with four generations living together is not common in America. 四世同堂的家庭在美国是不多见的。
- She was widowed, with four children to raise, when I remember her first. 在我最初的印象中,她是个寡妇,有四个孩子要抚养。
- family with four children 有四个孩子的家庭
- A family with two children live next door. 隔壁住着一户有两个孩子的家庭。
- He has brought up four children. 他带大了四个孩子。
- Her estate was divided between her four children. 她的遗产分给了她的四个子女。
- The roof was braced with four poles. 屋顶由四根柱子支撑。
- He had to support his family with his meager income. 他只能靠微薄的收入来养家。
- The four children often fought with each other. 那4个孩子之间经常打架。
- A four-sided plane figure with four right angles. 矩形,长方形具有四个边的方形,有四个直角
- He had to support his family with his meagre income. 他只能靠微薄的收入来养家。
- A plane figure with four sides and four angles. 四边形有四个边和四个角的平面图形
- It's really not easy for a widowed mother to rear up four children. 一个寡母要抚养4个孩子成人确实不易。
- A stadium with four tiers of seats. 一个有四层座位的体育馆
- This house is unsuited for a family with a lot of children. 这楝房子封孩子多的家庭来说是不适合的。
- The girl impressed her fiance's family with her liveliness and sense of humour. 姑娘又活泼又富幽默感,未婚夫家人十分喜欢她。
- The sandbank Naxi family party with four generations. 坝子纳西人四世同堂的家庭聚会。
- She lives in Cary with her husband and four children. 她与她的丈夫和四个孩子一起住在Cary。
- Oh,is your family with you on this trip? 啊,这次旅行您家人和您一起来吗?