- Mr. A is argumentative so he created a lot of family drama. 先生很爱争辩,引起家庭许多的争吵。
- She will be directing the family drama Home for the Holidays for her company with Holly Hunter and Anne Bancroft. 她将与霍利.;亨特及安妮
- She will be directing the family drama'Home for the Holidays'for her company with Holly Hunter and Anne Bancroft. 她将与霍利.;亨特及安妮
- The family drama had a clunky, directionless, and notoriously re-tooled pilot that seemed to reek of cancellation. 这个家庭剧的首集试播沉闷无主线而且是声名狼籍的重拍版本,似乎已散发着被砍的气味。
- The background of a family drama gives the story a significance that would not be possible within the world of merely epicurean delights. 由于家庭剧的背景关系,这个故事赋予了一种在纯粹口腹之欲的世界里不可能实现的重要意义。
- Half magical journey and half family drama, the heroine's quest to save the Dark Lands - and possibly her own ailing mother - is perhaps too scattily episodic. 一半是魔幻之旅,一半是家庭戏,女主人公寻求拯救“黑色王国”(可能还有她那患病的母亲)的历程或许过于杂乱无章。
- The last part is a complex family drama about a debilitated father who forces his family to leave him, only to have a bittersweet reunion when his daughter's life is threatened. 好丈夫因意外丧失性能力,不愿妻子痛苦,故作暴躁举动,让其妻带著女儿离去,十年后,一家才得以谅解,再次重聚。
- She only unbends in the family circle. 她只在家庭环境里才不拘束。
- He's inconsiderate to his family. 他不体谅他的家人。
- John felt it hard to rig out his family. 约翰感到难以为一家大小置备衣着。
- Smoking is distasteful to my family. 我一家都不喜欢抽烟。
- It's Bill's wife who really rules the roost in that family. 在比尔家里,真正当家的是她的老婆。
- The author dedicated her new book to her supportive family. 这位作家将她的新书献给支持她的家庭。
- The subplot never overpowers the gripping family drama that is the movie's core 陪衬情节永远不会压倒这个家庭引人入胜的故事,后者才是这部电影的精髓。
- Cross and angry words in family grate upon the ear. 不高兴与生气的话在一个家庭里令人不愉快。
- Her tearful family came to pay their last respects. 她全家含泪前来向死者告别。
- New Year's Day is a day for family reunion. 元旦是一个亲属团聚的日子。
- A family on a budget can't afford meat every day. 经济拮据的家庭不能每天享用肉食。
- The affair has estranged him from his family. 这件事已使他和家人疏远。
- Our family reunions are always three ring circus. 我家合家团聚的场面总是热闹非凡。