- family academic tradition 家学
- Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema was an English painter in the academic tradition. 阿尔玛·台德玛是学院派的英国画家。
- Finally, also discussed China Foreign Literature Studies, and is this an academic tradition of the modern paradox. 本文最后还讨论了中国文学研究的异域影响,以及此一学术传统中的现代悖论。
- Science misconduct has occurred in todays' academic circles by the absence of modern academic tradition and the society being transformation. 由于缺乏现代意义上的学术传统以及社会处于转型时期,目前的学术界出现了种种学术不端的行为。
- Sangmyung University, as one of the world-class universities, has excellent teaching and academic tradition and world competitiveness. 祥明大学作为世界水准的综合大学,具有优良的教学和学术传统以及世界竞争力。
- Lin Zexu, studied in this academy in his early age, was inoculated and influenced by this academic tradition through his whole life. 早年求学于该书院的林则徐,深受这种学术传统的浸染并影响其终生。
- The University of Canterbury, as one of the world-class universities, has excellent teaching and academic tradition and world competitiveness. 坎特伯雷大学作为世界水准的综合大学,具有优良的教学和学术传统以及世界竞争力。
- The difference between Sun and Langer shows they both inherit and exceed each academic tradition, and construct their own theory proceeding from each theoretical aim and interest. 而这种分区,所体现的乃是二者各自基于不同的学术传统所做的继承与超越,以及出于不同的理论目的与兴趣所进行的理论建构。
- Hedley Bull, as the most influential and reputed figure of the English School, played an important and irreplaceable role in the development of the School and the formation of its academic tradition. 赫德利·布尔是英国学派最具代表性和学术影响的理论家,对学派思想传统的进一步形成和巩固发挥了不可替代的重要作用。
- The Education of MBA in China has already taken management economics as its academic class, while the construction of the subject system almost follows the western academic tradition. 中国的mba教育已将管理经济学列为其学位课程,但其学科体系的构建基本承袭了西方的学术传统。
- On the Family Academic Context of Li Peng 李彭之家学渊源
- As one of the most outstanding masters of international relations study in the west, Martin Wight played an important role in the development of the English School and its academic tradition. 马丁·怀特是当代西方最杰出的国际关系理论家和思想家之一,他对英国学派的建立及其学术传统的形成起到了至关重要的作用,因而被尊为"英国学派之父"。
- The cultural heritage of the research university comprises not only its academic tradition and campus scenery, but also its character, ethos, motto, anthem, atmosphere, emblem and architecture. 研究型大学的文化底蕴既体现在学术传统和校风校貌上,也体现在学校的个性和气质上,体现在校训、校歌、校风、校徽和校园建筑之中。
- She only unbends in the family circle. 她只在家庭环境里才不拘束。
- The differences of academic traditions, resources and methods result in different approaches to the Yihetuan movement both at home and abroad. 摘要国内外学术界对义和团运动的研究由于不同的学术传统、理论方法、学术资源等诸多因素的差异而体现出诸多的不同。
- He's inconsiderate to his family. 他不体谅他的家人。
- There were good academic traditions and plentiful historical resources within ancient Chinese library science,which have been our important spiritual wealth. 中国图书馆学有优良的学术传统和丰富的历史资源,它们是我们建设中国特色图书馆学的重要精神财富。
- My parents do their best to keep up the family tradition. 我的父母为了保持家庭的传统竭尽全力。
- John felt it hard to rig out his family. 约翰感到难以为一家大小置备衣着。
- Smoking is distasteful to my family. 我一家都不喜欢抽烟。