- Even as a young man he was up to his neck in crime. 他年轻时即已恶贯满盈。
- The rise in unemployment is an important factor in the increase crime rate. 失业的增加是犯罪率升高的一个重要因素。
- According to the characteristics of the quantitative factor in crime conception of our criminal law, quantity crimes and plot crimes don't contain unaccomplished states. 根据我国犯罪概念含有定量因素的特点,数额犯和情节犯不存在犯罪未遂形态。
- An increase in crime is one of the by-products of unemployment. 犯罪率增加是失业问题造成的一种恶果。
- poverty as a causative factor in crime. 贫穷是引发犯罪的一个因素。
- The newspapers there pander to people's interest in crime and violence. 那儿的报纸迎合读者对犯罪和暴力的兴趣。
- Analyses of Family Factors in Students'Mental Health 学生心理健康问题中的家庭因素分析
- Even as a young man he is up to his neck in crime. 他年轻时即已恶贯满盈。
- A fine script is the most important factor in producing a successful film. 一个好的电影剧本是制作一部好影片的重要因素。
- Relationships between Personality and Family Factors in Juvenile Delinquents 犯罪青少年人格特征与家庭因素的关系研究
- He is proficient in crime psychology. 他精通犯罪心理学。
- Self-confidence is the key factor in any successful career. 自信是任何成功之道的关键因素。
- Lovett, Todd's ghoulish partner in crime. 拉维特夫人是陶德残忍的帮凶。
- A rise in crime symptomatic of social breakdown. 犯罪数量的上升是社会崩溃的征候。
- His manner is a factor in his success. 他的举止是他取得成功的一个因素。
- The committee's support is an important factor in the success of the project. 委员会的支持是该项目取得成功的一个重要因素。
- The effect of family factors on social adaptive behavior of preschool children. 家庭因素对学龄前儿童社会适应行为的影响。
- A limiting factor in the improvement of health is the lack of doctors. 对改善健康状况的一个限制因素是缺少医生。
- Years of concerted efforts in crime fighting have borne fruit. 经过大家多年来的共同努力,我们在灭罪方面已取得丰硕的成果。
- The police imputes the rise in crime to high unemployment. 警方把犯罪增加的原因归咎於失业率太高。