- He picked up a piece of seal meat. 他又捡起一块海豹肉。
- We were holding protests against falsification of the vote. 我们坚持反对扭曲的投票方式。
- falsification of seal [法] 伪造印章
- The falsification of the testament [will] was discovered by them. 他们发现这份遗嘱被窜改了。
- Mr Hoon in the reply of the school made it clear that: matters relating to security there is no act of falsification of the company seal, and its related许志榕I reserve the right to legal liability. 麦校勋在回函中明确表示:有关担保事项不存在伪造公司印章行为,其本人保留追究许志榕相关法律责任的权利。
- Suitable for various kinds of sealing machines. 适用于各种封口机。
- A colony of seals lay basking in the sun. 一群海豹躺着晒太阳。
- The fund is campaigning for a ban on the import of seal products. 这个基金会正在呼吁政府禁止海豹产品的进口。
- Capable of sealing itself as after being pierced. 被穿透后能够重新自我密封。
- EPM also manufactures many other types of seals. EPM公司也生产其它类型的各种各样的密封。
- The cumulative power of independent artificiality saws everywhere the falsification of social life. 这一自主人造物的不断堆积的力量又以伪造全部社会生活为终结。
- He had held in his hands unmistakable proof of the falsification of a historical fact. 他掌握了无可置疑的证据,可以证实有一个历史事实是伪造的。
- Every year the groups of seals that live off our coasts are culled out because they eat too much fish. 每年居住在我们海岸边的海豹都被人挑选一部分杀死,因为它们吃掉的鱼太多。
- Both Parties shall be subject to applicable laws for any fabrication and/or falsification of the above facts. 以上资料均据实填报,如有虚伪,愿负法律上之一切责任。
- I further understand that the falsification of information can lead to immediate dismissal from the ENTDr. Scholarship. 及完全明白同意申请安泰达奖学金计划条款。现同意申请人报名安泰达奖学金计划。
- In May, Medvedev announced that he was setting up a new body to counter what he called the "falsification of history". 五月,梅德伟杰夫宣称他正在设置新的机构去反击他所谓的“歪曲历史”。
- The ivory gull often follows polar bears to feed on the remains of seal kills. 象牙海鸥经常跟在北极熊的后面吃剩下的海豹尸体。
- No. It is a cartoon made by a Guangzhou graduate. It mentions the falsification of graduates employment status. 不是,是广州的一个毕业生创作的漫画,提到了“被就业”等问题。
- Special extra width, monel seat ring allows for wear without loss of seal. 特别超宽蒙乃尔密封环,经得起磨损而不会丧失密封性能。
- Unreasonable ownership structure of companies appearing on market,results in insider control and the falsification of accounting information. 我国上市公司股权结构的特点造成了公司治理的失效,容易产生"内部人控制",易引发会计信息失真。