- fallen flowers poetry 落花诗
- How many are the fallen flowers! 花落知多少
- Laughing for a while, they went on burying the fallen flowers. 笑了一会,这才正经地去掩埋残花。
- The floor is covered with fallen flowers after an autumn wind. 一阵秋风吹过,落花遍地。
- There are several fallen flowers floating on the crystal, rippling surface. 清涟的水面上漂着几瓣落花。
- The footpath strewn with fallen flowers not swept clean; my wicket door is opened but for you today. 花径不曾缘客扫,蓬门今始为君开
- Fallen flowers are not feeling less. They will ferfilize soil in spring for fresh ones. 落红不是无情物,化做春泥更护花。
- Last night he dreamed that falling flowers would not stay. 昨夜闲潭梦落花。
- Fallen flowers are not feelingless. They will fertilize the soil in spring for fresh ones. 落红不是情物,化作春泥更护花。
- As fallen flowers drift and water runs its way, one longing overflows, two places with the same worry. 人道海水深;不抵相思半.;海水尚有涯;相思渺无畔
- Looking up the path she passed, I can see both sides of the path covered with blooming flowers, drooping flowers, and fallen flowers. 抬头望她去路,只见得两旁开满了花,垂满了花,落满了花。
- Your departure has wilted my heart, The white tung leaves flatter in the wind. With exquisite feelings like the people, The fallen flowers melt away this season. 自你走后心憔悴白色油桐风中纷飞落花似人幽情这个季节。
- SPRING DAWN I overslept unaware lf daybreak in spring, Have heard birds crying almost everwhere A nightlong of noise from winds and rains I wonder the fallen flowers are countable. 春眠不觉晓处处闻啼鸟夜来春雨声花落知多少。
- The flowers send forth fragrance. 这些花散发出香味。
- Flowering stems not or not obviously dichotomously branched; if pedicels of fallen flowers persistent and exserted, then outer perianth segments crested. 花茎二歧的分枝;持久的脱落花的花梗,从佛焰苞外露,硬;外部花被片不具脊。(5
- Study on the utilization and process of falling flowers of Bombax malabaricum DC. 木棉花落花加工利用的研究。
- Title: Study on the utilization and process of falling flowers of Bombax malabaricum DC. 关键词:木棉花;落花;加工利用;恒温干燥;花汁饮料
- The horse kicked its fallen rider about the head. 那匹马乱踢从它背上掉下来的骑手的头部。
- The chain has fallen foul of plants in the water. 链条已和水中的植物缠绕在了一起。
- The takings at the football stadium has fallen off. 足球运动场的收入减少了。