- fallacy of particular premises 特称前提的谬误
- Division of mankind into workingman and capitalists suffers from the fallacy of simplism. 硬把人类分成工人阶级和资本阶级就犯了过分简单化的错误。
- There was nothing in the letter of particular importance. 这封信里没有什么特别重要的事。
- He detected the fallacy of her argument. 他发觉她论据中的推理谬误。
- This is just a fallacy of equivocation in Logic. = 这个符号在这里有不同的意义.;硬拗的答案在逻辑学的角度来看;是站不住脚的
- I was able to show the fallacy of his argument. 我能显示出他辩论中的谬误。
- I am a person who recognizes the fallacy of humans. 我是一个认识到人类不可救药的人之一。
- The arguer commits a fallacy of oversimplification. 这段论述犯了过于简单化的谬误。
- Nothing of particular note happened. 没发生特别值得注意的事。
- These documents are of particular interest. 这些文件让人很感兴趣。
- There are two DNA types of particular interest. 有二DNA类型特殊利益。
- What was the role of particular personalities? 特定人格特质扮演怎样的角色?
- A child of particular parentage. 特殊身世的孩子
- Collins had exposed the fallacy of modern aesthetics to me. 科林斯曾经向我揭示过现代美学的谬误。
- These are issues of particular concern to Hong Kong. 这些都是香港特别关注的问题。
- A piano performance of particular depth and fluidity. 具有不同凡响的深度和流畅性的一次钢琴演奏
- Of particular interest is the chart of Christopher Reeve. 比较引人兴趣的是克里斯托夫?李维的命盘。
- Collines had exposed the fallacy of modern aesthetics to me. 科林斯曾经向我揭示过现代美学的谬误。
- The fallacy of arguing from temporal sequence to a causal relation. 论证时,时间的前后关系与因果关系混淆。
- Woodmeal is of particular importance among combustible ingredients. 在可燃成份中,木粉是特别重要的。