- The case fall within the competence of the court. 该案在这个法院的管辖权范围内。
- Spend by each department have to fall within certain parameter. 每个部门的开支必须属于确定的系数之内。
- The case fall within the jurisdiction of the court. 该案属这个法院管辖。
- I think this would fall within your price range. 我想这会在您预定的价钱范围内。
- These goods all fall within this category. 这些货物都属于这一类。
- These articles fall within our business scope. 这些商品属于我们的经营范围。
- The results fall within three beads. 研究结果分3个标题列出。
- Aesthetics does not fall within my area of interest. 我对美学不感兴趣。
- Spending by each department has to fall within certain parameter. 每个部门的开支必须属于确定的系数之内.
- The age of the candidate must fall within the prescribed limits. 候选人的年龄必须在规定的范围内。
- Malaysia and Singapore could, perhaps, now fall within this group. 这大致是新马关系目前的写照。
- Values must fall within the size limit set for the field. 值必须在为该字段设置的大小限制范围内。
- The newspaper report fall within the category of defamation. 报纸的报导属诽谤性的文章。
- Exporting textiles fall within the scope our business. 出口纺织品是我们的经营范围。
- The bombs all fell within the target area. 所有炸弹都落在目标区内。
- An inch of rain fell within 15 minutes. 15分钟内下了1英寸的雨。
- Some latin american state fall within the usa's sphere of influence. 一些拉丁美洲国家沦为美国的势力范围。
- It falls within the conceptional framework of geophysics. 它在概念体制上隶属地球物理。
- Retrieves a collection of all embedded objects that fall within the text range. 检索文本范围内的所有嵌入对象的集合。
- The exemptions embodied in Section 110(5) fall within the Article 13 standard. 在美国版权法110节第5段中含有的例外符合《TRIPS协定》第13条的标准。