- The antics of the monkeys at the zoo made everyone fall about. 动物园中猴子的滑稽动作引得大家捧腹大笑。
- We fell about when we heard his funny voice. 听到他那可笑的声音,我们捧腹大笑,无法自制。
- Nick's born clown. Just the sight of him is enough to make you fall about laughing. 尼克天生一付丑相,看他一眼就会使你忍不住大笑。
- Does it please you to watch your castle fall about you? 看着自己的城堡在你面前陷落是件很快乐的事情?
- There is a man falling about in the street. 有个人在街上踉踉跄跄地走着。
- An old man was falling about in the street. 一个老人在街上踉跄而行。
- You can hear people fall about laughing once in a while during the show. 演出期间经常传来观众的大笑。
- We fell about at Grandpa's funny story. 听了爷爷讲的滑稽故事, 我们忍不住大笑。
- People fell about when Tom told them he was composing music. 当汤姆告诉大家他在作曲时,众人哄然大笑。
- He's a born clown,just the sight of him is enough to make you fall about laughing. 他是个天生的小丑。只要一看见他那副模样就足以令你笑破肚皮。
- Soon the secure,enclosed life he had built up for himself would fall about his ears. 他为自己建立起来的这种与世隔绝的安定生活,不久便会土崩瓦解。
- Soon the secure,enclosed life the poet had built up for himself wound fall about his ears. 诗人为自己建立起的平静安全,离群索居的生活很快就会付之东流。
- It fell about her,rippling and shining like a brown waterfall. 这头发披散在她身上,好象褐色的小瀑布,波纹起伏,光可照人。
- It fell about her, rippling and shining like a brown waterfall . 这头发披散在她身上,好象褐色的小瀑布,波纹起伏, 光可照人。
- Nick's born clown.Just the sight of him is enough to make you fall about laughing. 尼克天生一付丑相,看他一眼就会使你忍不住大笑。
- It fell about her, rippling and shining like a brown waterfall. 这头发披散在她身上,好象褐色的小瀑布,波纹起伏,光可照人。
- The movie was very funny and we fell about laughing. 这电影很有趣,我们都笑得不能自已。
- He fell about laughing when his agent phoned him with this news. 当他的经纪人在电话里告诉他这些的时候,他笑得无法自制。
- He's a born clown, just the sight of him is enough to make you fall about laughing. 他是个天生的小丑。只要一看见他那副模样就足以令你笑破肚皮。
- Soon the secure, enclosed life he had built up for himself would fall about his ears. 他为自己建立起来的这种与世隔绝的安定生活,不久便会土崩瓦解。