- Thunderbolts then fell from the sky and at once reduced the pyre to ashes. 接着,天打霹雳,柴堆立即化为灰烬。
- A coal fell from the fire and burned the mat. 一块煤炭从火中掉出来,烧坏了地席。
- Mysterious money has been falling from the sky and appearing in mailboxes in Japan. 神秘现金在日本从天而降并且出现在居民的信箱。
- A coal fell from the fire and burned the carpet. 一块煤从火炉上掉了下来, 烧着了地毯。
- State television quotes an unidentified witness as saying the plane suddenly fell from the sky and exploded on impact, causing a huge crater. 伊朗国家电视台引述一个没有透露身份的目击者的话说,飞机突然从空中坠落,与地面撞击时爆炸,并在地面撞出一个大坑。
- Days later, Columbus saw a large meteor fall from the sky. 几天后,哥伦布看见一颗大流星从天空坠落。
- Happiness wouldnt fall from the sky unless you strive for! 幸福是靠自己争取的!
- NGC and Falling from the Sky try to figure out the answer. 国家地理频道和《英国航空9号班机》试著找出答案。
- The stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken. 众星要从天上坠落,天势都要震动。
- Flaming fragments were still falling from the sky. 燃烧着的碎片还在不断地从天而降。
- A lot of hails fell from the sky. 许多冰雹从天而降。
- A hot coal fell from the fire and burnt a hole in the carpet. 火炉中调出来一块煤,把地毯烧了一个洞。
- Flaming fragments were falling from the sky. 燃烧着的碎片不断的从天而降。
- Flakes of snow were falling from the sky. 雪片从天空中纷纷落下。
- Help your LEGO worker escape the trench by constructing a tower of LEGO bricks as they fall from the sky. 帮助你的乐高工人利用从天而降的乐高方块建造高塔以逃离沟渠。
- When the wind stops, from the hot and burning sky. 流火之空,屏向之风。
- I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. 我看见一颗星落到地上。
- I like to see things slowly fall from the sky really pleased pieces, based on your gender, as many items to be fit! 看到自己喜欢的东西慢慢从天空落下真是件高兴的事,依据你的性别,尽可能多的得到适合的物品吧!
- The glare from the fire lit up the sky. 火光照亮了天空。
- All of a sudden, "boom" out of the fall from the sky an object, smashing in my feet on the ground, in a cold sweat, I panic. was a big green mangoes, I quickly bent down to pick up it. 忽然,“咚”的一声从天上掉下来一个物体,砸在我脚前的地上,惊的我一身冷汗。低头一看,原来是一个大大的青芒果,我赶忙弯下腰拾起了它。