- As an old person, one is often condemned to live alone. 老年人常出於无奈而独自生活。
- He seemed to be fairly old for his moustache was ashen-grey. 他看上去相当苍老,两撇八字胡须已经灰白了。
- It is a noble movement to help the old person. 帮助老人是高尚的行为。
- When speaking to an old person, stay on your feet. 与年长的人讲话时,要保持站立。
- The country provided a pension to the old person. 国家给老人们提供养老金。
- Nobady give his site to that old person. 没人让位给那位老人坐。
- So, how should the old person judge him hidebound? 那么,老人应怎样判断自己是否营养不良了呢?
- Is old person sole painful what reason be? 老人脚底痛是什么原因?
- Old person's furniture places has is fastidious. 老人的家具摆放有讲究。
- Nick had a rough time in his first fight. He was drawn opposite a real old person who took him apart inside two rounds. 尼克在第一场拳击比赛中就吃尽了苦头,他抽签碰上了一名真正的老手,不到两个回合他就给彻底打败了。
- As an old person,one is often condemned to live alone. 老年人常出于无奈而独自生活。
- On the bus, he often gives his seat to an old person. 在公共汽车上,他经常把座位让给老人。
- A shockingly ugly old person, almost as black as coal. 是个很丑的老太婆;黑得简直象煤炭一样.
- You should get up when an older person comes in. 年长的人进来时,你应该站起来。
- The old person takes bamboo shoot must to nibble slow pharynx. 老人吃笋一定要细嚼慢咽。
- Possibly because of will see an old person, i feel pitifully. 可能会因为看见一个老人,而感觉可怜。
- After my bookstall, it is an old person of filling shoe. 在我的书摊后,是一位补鞋的老人。
- The old person scolds: *** , their name misspelling me! 老人骂道:***,他们把我的名字拼错了!
- No old person should have to go short of coal to heat their home in the winter. 冬天,老年人都应该有足够的煤温暖他们的家。
- Dr. Smith was the oldest person to swim the English Channel . 史密斯博士是游过英吉利海峡的最老的人。