- Fair compensation involves integrity, morality, and legality. 公平报酬包含有诚实、道德和合法的意义。
- We pledge personal respect, fair compensation and honest and equitable treatment. 我们保证尊重个人,提供合理的报酬,真诚而公平的对待每个人。
- That required a cutoff of American aid if American property was expropriated without fair compensation. 它要求在美国财产被没收而未获公平合理赔偿时停止美国的援助。
- Seen in this light, a credit of $5 to $20 may be fair compensation for the time lost in switching to a new merchant portal or search engine. 这么看来,5至20美元的信用额正是对熟悉新的商业渠道或搜索引擎所耗时间的合理补偿。
- They see this as fair compensation for their investment in innovation, according to Ruben Lee, an analyst. 根据分析家李鲁宾的分析可得,他们认为这是作为创新投资的公平补偿。
- Seen in this light,a credit of $ 5 to $ 20 may be fair compensation for the time lost in switching to a new merchant portal or search engine. 这么看来,5至20美元的信用额正是对熟悉新的商业渠道或搜索引擎所耗时间的合理补偿。
- Should the current compensation methods for redevelopment and preservation be reviewed? What are the key elements of fair compensation methods? 应否检讨目前重建与保育方面的补偿方法?公平的补偿方法应包含哪些主要元素?
- Most forms of investment pay only the paltry leavings after others deduct their expenses and fair compensation for using your money. 大多数投资是这样的,别人使用你的钱,扣除必要的费用并补偿你以后,你所得到的钱非常少。
- Position Based Fair Compensation System 公平的薪酬体系
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- Fair compensation involves integrity, morality, and legality 公平报酬包含有诚实、道德和合法的意义。
- The Supreme Court gave a fair trial to the case. 最高法院对这一案件作出了公正的审判。
- They set sail with the first fair wind. 他们一有顺风就扬帆起航。
- Two circulars of our state council about bankruptcy penetrate the precedency of legal effect,come into conflict with several upper laws,and violate the fair compensable principle of bankrupt system. 国务院有关破产的两通知突破了法律效力的位阶,与多个上位法相冲突,有悖于破产制度中的公平受偿原则。
- I hit the man fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚击中了那个人的下巴。
- It's not fair to kick another player in football. 足球比赛中不允许踢另一位球员。
- He made a great fortune by fair means or foul. 他不择手段地发了一笔大财。
- He was railroaded to prison without a fair trial. 他没有经过公正的审判而铛入狱。
- Compensation trade is, in fact, a kind of loan. 补偿贸易实际上是一种信贷。
- The prince fall in love with a fair young maiden. 王子爱上了一位美丽的年轻少女。