- Guide all the Lemmings to safety avoiding traps, chasms, boiling lava and a host of other perils. Failure to give a command at the right time can spell disaster! 指导所有旅鼠到安全的地方,避免随身陷阱、深坑、沸腾的岩浆和很多其它的危险。没能在恰当的时间内作出动作将会导致灾难!
- He ascribed his failure to bad luck. 他把失败归于运气不佳。
- The failure to read a bit of stored information. 信息遗失不能读出一部分存储信息
- Failure to perform appropriate medical tests. 不能进行适当的医疗检查。
- He laid his failure to his lack of experience. 他把失败归咎於缺乏经验。
- The building does not conform to safety regulations. 这座建筑物不符合安全条例。
- Failure to obey orders on a ship is mutiny. 在船上不执行命令就是哗变。
- I impute his failure to laziness. 我把他的失败归咎于他的懒惰。
- Civilians trapped in the beleaguered city have been airlifted to safety. 被围困在城里的老百姓已空运到安全地区。
- He said he regretted their failure to reach an agreement. 他说,他很遗憾,他们没能达成协议。
- Failure to pay your taxes will make you liable to prosecution. 不缴纳税款就可能被起诉。
- A peasant led the seven foreigners out to safety. 一位农民把这7位外国人带到了安全地带。
- You should pay more regard to safety on the roads. 你应该多注意交通安全。
- The lessor can evict the lessee for failure to pay rent. 出租人可驱逐不付租金的租户。
- Uses pane is the sandwich glass with higher safety performance. 所使用的窗玻璃是安全性能较高的夹层玻璃。
- Failure to say `No' may, by implication, be taken to mean `Yes'. 没表示否定,其含义可能理解为是肯定的。
- The climber is airlifted to safety. 登山者被空运到安全的地方。
- We were perplexed by his failure to answer the letter. 他何以不回信,我们大惑不解。
- They ran to safety, away from the fire. 他们跑到安全的地方,远离了大火。
- The climber is airlifted to safety . 登山者被空运到安全的地方。