- In the same time, abrasive wear is the major failure reason in mining machines. 在矿山机械中,磨粒磨损(它包括冲蚀磨损、磨料磨损和微动磨损)是其磨损失效的主要原因。
- The paper analyses the failure reason of the EAF electrode arm clamper and proposes the countermeasure. 本文对珠钢电炉电极横臂夹持器功能失效原因进行分析,同时提出解决问题的办法。
- Through the comprehensive analysis,the result shows that crack failure reason is embrittlement of ... 通过综合分析指出对流管发生失效的原因是奥氏体不锈钢长期在高温下工作引起的热脆化开裂。
- According to the fault diagnosis module, the system can judge the failure reason immediately and correctly, which can give help to maintainer. 通过故障诊断模块,系统能够快速、准确地判断出故障的原因,为维修人员提供了帮助。
- Introduced the applied instance of heat-exchangers on styrene equipment, analyzed the failure reason and reviewed the reconstructive course of the equipment. 摘要介绍了进口的苯乙烯装置过热器组在生产应用中出现的问题,对失效的原因进行了分析,回顾了历次设备改造的过程。
- According to statistic and research in field, failure reason and breakage mode of anchoring system in roadway roof that threaten the roof were pointed out. 摘要通过现场实际调查和统计,指出了威胁巷道顶板安全的煤巷顶板锚固系统失效的原因和破坏模式。
- The transition pass misplay is another main attack failure reason of the middle of the midfield and the said of the defending third after from defensive to attack. 过渡传球失误是中场中路和后场边路由守转攻后进攻失败的另一主要原因。
- The operating principle of electrical governor is intro duced an d the failure reason coursed by electrical governor is analysed in this paper,a lso the checking and solving methods is given. 介绍了20GF-W7电站电子调速器工作原理 ,分析了由电子调速器引发的电站故障机理并给出了检查和排除方法
- The failure problem of 800H alloy expansion joint bellow of ethylbenzene hydrogen removal system for styrene unit was analyzed in detail. Its failure reason and mechanisum were mentioned, and the protection was proposed. 对苯乙烯装置乙苯脱氢系统Incoloy 800H合金膨胀节波纹管的失效问题进行了详细的分析,阐述了其失效的原因与机理,并提出了防护对策。
- Based on the high speed machining,the failure form,failure reason and style in different location of the HSK tooling system are analyzed systematically from the safety of both the human and equipment. 以高速加工为背景,从人和物两方面的安全出发,对高速加工HSK工具系统不同部位的失效形式、失效原因和失效类型进行了系统分析。
- He tried to put a bold face on his failure. 他对自己的失败装出一副满不在乎的样子。
- The cake we made was somewhat of a failure. 我们做的蛋糕不大成功。
- The failure reason of grey iron chill has been studied by means of high magnification metalloscope and EPMA The oxidation mechanism under the codition in this research has been put forward. 本文采用金相显微分析、电子探针微区成分分析等手段对铸铁材质冷铁的失效原因进行了研究,并在此基础上提出了本试验条件下铸铁氧化过程的机理。
- Introduces the constitutes of low voltage protection system of distributing transformer, analyzes the failure reason, puts forward concrete measures of improving low voltage protective reliability. 介绍了配电变压器低压保护的组成,对故障原因进行了分析,提出了提高低压保护可靠性的具体措施。
- Influence on all aspects of quality and failure reason of machine itself nere expounded in greater detail when punching cage and other parts with press.Improved measues in futare uere also given. 详细阐述了加工冲压保持架的压力机对保持架或其它冲压件质量各方面的影响及自身失效原因和今后的改进措施。
- The fracture failure reasons of the hand-gear were analyzed by means of stress situation and fractography. 通过研究断裂时的应力状况及宏观断口,对手动小齿轮断裂失效原因进行了分析。
- There were many failure reasons of removal of gallstones using choledochoscope during operation. 39例残石者中包括肝内胆管结石伴胆管变异14例;
- I have every reason to be confident of our victory. 我有充分的理由坚信胜利是属于我们的。
- This paper adopts FTA method to analyze large-sized transformer faults and accomplishes the statistic on failure reasons of transoformer subsystems. 摘要针对引起变压器故障的原因,采用FTA法,对大型电力变压器的各种故障进行分析,并对变压器各分系统的故障原因进行了统计计算。
- We have reason to believe that he was murdered. 我们有理由相信他是被谋杀的。