- For failure of performance of th registration procedures, the land bureaus will withhold confirmation of the right to use the land and treat the case as an illegal land transaction. 未办理登记手续的,市、县、自治县国土局不确认其土地使用权,并按非法买卖土地处理。
- Guarantor: a third party who assumes relevant responsibilities on behalf of the Leasee in the event of failure of performance by the Leasee of the obligations agreed in the auto lease contract. 保证人:当承租方不能履行汽车租赁合同约定的义务时,代为承担相应责任的第三方。
- The failure of the plan was laid at his door. 这个计划失败被归罪于他。
- The failure of the scheme was due to bad management. 计划的失败是由于管理不善。
- These plans reveal a complete failure of imagination. 这些计划显得毫无想象力。
- The failure of their crops spelt disaster for the peasant farmers. 作物歉收农民就要受灾。
- He is a break man after the failure of his business. 他生意失败以後,整个人一蹶不振。
- They set the limits of performance attainable. 它们确定着可达到的运行限度。
- He was a broken man after the failure of his business. 他生意失败以後,整个人一蹶不振。
- An ounce of image is worth a pound of performance. 一盎司的形象胜过一磅重的表现。
- The planners had not provided for a failure of the power system. 计画制定者未对动力系统可能出现故障一事制定应变措施。
- The standard of performance has gone down. 表演水平自去年以来下降了。
- He imputed the failure of his marriage to his wife's shortcomings. 他把婚姻的失败归咎於妻子的缺点。
- What level of performance do you expect from me? 你希望我有什么样的表现?
- Is there widespread use of performance related pay? 是否普遍采用绩效薪酬制?
- The best ratio of performance and price. 最优的性能价格比。
- Bob was out of sorts all morning, thinking about the failure of the experiment. 鲍勃整上午都没有精打采的,老想着试验失败的事儿。
- Capable of performing sexually as a male; potent. 有性交能力的作为男性能进行性交的能力的; 有性交能力的
- After the failure of the electricity supplies the city was in chaos. 电力供应中断,城市陷于混乱之中。
- The failure of the company's efforts at last sheeted home the need for proper preparation of business conditions. 该公司种种努力的失败终于使大家认识到充分准备经营条件的必要性。