- SmartUpdate failed JAR archive failed security check. XX. 灵活更新失败jar归档安全性检查失败。XX。
- No one can fail to be struck with her charm. 人人都被她的魅力所吸引。
- Rarely did he fail to keep his promise. 他真的很难得失信。
- I never fail to write to my parents every month. 我每个月一定写信给我的父母亲。
- We fail one student per year on average. 我们平均每年有一个学生不及格。
- He studied hard only to fail in the exam. 他这么用功,结果竟然考场失利。
- He said he would go fishing without fail. 他说他一定会去钓鱼的。
- A poor contact causes power to fail occasionally. 接触不良有时会造成断电。
- He have do his possible though he fail at last. 他虽然最後失败了,但已经尽了力。
- If other means fail we shall resort to force. 如果其他手段均告失败,我们将诉之武力。
- We'll need to secure a bank loan. 我们需获银行贷款。
- A climber needs secure footholds. 攀登的人脚踩的地方要很牢固。
- He fail many times, but he do not lose heart. 他失败了许多次,但他并没有失去信心。
- The child felt secure near its parents. 这个孩子在父母跟前感到很安全。
- I know that I'm bound to fail in the exam. 我知道我考试一定会不及格的。
- Make the windows secure before leaving the house. 出门之前把窗户关严。
- Fail to pay and they'll cut off the electricity. 你(如果)不付款,他们就要断电。
- The little boy felt secure near his parents. 那小男孩在父母身边感到安心。
- Study hard, or you'll fail (in) the exam. 要用功,否则你会考不及格。
- Even if I fail this time, I would try again. 即使我这次失败了,我还要再试试。