- The larvae may be excreted in the faeces. 幼虫会连同粪便排出。
- Fouling of street by dog faeces. 犬隻糞便弄污街道。
- Inadequate water or lack of fibre in food, leading to hard faeces. 饮水不足或食物中缺乏纤维质,令粪便变得硬,较难排出。
- Select fresh eggs, without faeces stains on the shell. 选择新鲜而且外壳没有排秽物污点的蛋。
- Infected poultry also excrete the virus in their faeces. 感染家禽还可以通过粪便排出病毒。
- Faeces Ca and urine Ca were decreasing in pregnancy. 骨钙素也增加,产后仍增加;
- Faeces were dumped outside her parents’ home in China. 有人甚至将粪便仍在她在中国居住的父母的家门口。
- The environmental burden was became heavier due to cow's faeces and urine. 所产生的家畜粪尿量加重了环境负担。
- The fraction of excreting Pm in urine and faeces was power function of time. 经粪尿共同排除钷的分数随时间变化,可用幂函数描述。
- However after parturition, faeces Ca was increasing and urine Ca was reducing. 粪钙和尿钙降低,产后粪钙略增加而尿钙明显降低。
- The bathroom door was rotting away and down the side of the toilet were faeces. 浴室的门是腐烂的距离和减少一侧的厕所是粪便。
- Blood samples are taken every few hours for two or three days, and urine and faeces are also collected. 连续两到三天每隔数小时检测一次血液,同时收集大小便标本检查。
- Dr Gill and his team were able to come to this conclusion by extracting bacterial DNA from the faeces of two volunteers. 吉尔博士和他的研究小组是通过提取两位志愿者粪便中的细菌DNA后得出这一结论的。
- Domestic poultry is infected when they come into direct/indirect contact with faeces or nasal secretion of infected wild birds. 家禽与感染后的野生鸟类排泄物或鼻内分泌物直接/间接接触后也会被感染。
- Lawmaker Emily Lau Wai-hing's offices have been subjected to an arson attack and smeared with faeces. 立法会议员刘慧卿的办公室也被纵火和泼粪。
- Wash the outside of eggs and wash hands after handling an egg, as the egg shell may be contaminated with bird faeces. 清洗蛋壳,蛋处理完毕后洗手,这是因为蛋壳可能受到禽类粪便的污染。
- Wash the outside of eggs and wash hands after handling eggs, as egg shells may be contaminated with bird faeces. 清洗蛋外壳和在处理蛋以后需要洗手,因为蛋壳可能被鸟粪沾染过。
- The sensitive and specific PCR method for detection E. granulosus from dog faeces was preliminarily developed. 初步建立了灵敏、特异的检测家犬粪便中细粒棘球绦虫的PCR方法。
- Koala mothers help their young ones build up their tolerance by feeding them her own faeces! 考拉母亲竟然给小考拉喂食自己的粪便,来帮助孩子增强对桉树叶子的忍受性。
- Qualitative study on Pollen Typhae and Faeces Trogopteroum in the pill was made with the TLC method. 采用TLC法对方中蒲黄、五灵脂进行定性研究;