- faculty employment policy 教师聘用制度
- The opposition attacked the government's employment policy, but the Minister stood his ground and pointed out that unemployment is steadily falling. 反对党抨击政府的就业政策,但是这位大臣坚持不让步了,他指失业正在稳步地下降。
- In the seventh chapter, I put forward some advise for government, society, universities and teachers to ensure the successful actualization of the faculty employment system in universities and colleges. 第七章对国家及政府、社会、学校、教师提出建议,保障大学教师聘任制度的顺利实施。
- The goal of teaching reform in higher vocational education is to have itself characteristic, in which subjects settings, syllabus establishment and teachers &faculty employment are main contents. 摘要高职教育改革的目的是使学校办出高职特色,而专业设置、教学计划的编制、师资队伍的建设是其主要内容。
- As for employment policy,the Chinese government has formulated a special policy for the minority nationalities. 在劳动政策方面,中国政府也制定了照顾少数民族的政策。
- As for employment policy, the Chinese government has formulated a special policy for the minority nationalities. 在劳动政策方面,中国政府也制定了照顾少数民族的政策。
- The opposition attacked the government's employment policy,but the Minister stood his ground and pointed out that unemployment was steadily falling. 反对党抨击政府的就业政策,但是这位大臣坚持不让步了,他指出失业正在稳步地下降。
- We will implement a more proactive employment policy, and the central government will allocate 42 billion yuan for this purpose. 实施更加积极的就业政策,中央财政拟投入420亿元资金。
- To sum up the findings of this research, Hong Kong lacks of a comprehensive employment policy which can coincide with the economic policy for the middle and old aged persons. 综观研究各方面的发现,香港缺乏一个全面的中老年人士的就业政策,而该政策必须与经济政策互相配合。
- Investors with innovative business ideas that bring economic benefits to the HKSAR can apply for an investment visa under the general employment policy to work in the HKSAR. 投资者若有别具创意的业务意念,能令香港特区的经济受惠,便可按一般的就业政策,申请投资类工作签证来港工作。
- To increase the gender mainstreaming capacity and to promote gender equality in employment policy,the ILO initiated the China project and set up a "three plus one" mechanism. 为提高社会性别主流化的能力和促进就业政策中的性别平等,国际劳工组织启动了中国项目。
- It is not Government's place to interfere in setting wage levels and employment policies. 政府固然不应干预私人机构所厘订的工资水平和雇佣政策。
- The research indicates that the fundamental reasons for labor market flexibility involve the failure of Keynesian employment policy,low efficiency of labor market and the changeable production employment mode in the globalization age. 从理论上来讲,劳动力市场灵活化改革的根源在于:凯恩斯主义就业政策的失灵、刚性劳动力市场的低效率和全球化时代生产方式与就业模式的根本性变革。
- Familiar with national, local and company legal and policy issues in relation with the contract management, emolument policy, employment policy, social welfare policy, and training. 熟悉国家、地区及企业关于合同管理、薪金制度、用人机制、保险福利待遇、培训等方面的法律法规及政策;
- Are the Hong Kong Governments overall employment policies consistent with that of a good employer? 香港特区政府整体公务员雇佣政策是否称得上优良的雇佣政策?
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- In addition, the labor and employment policies of Huangpu District are designed to benefit labor-intensive industries of handwork and low added value. 同时,黄浦区劳动就业政策也十分有利于简单手工操作与低附加值的劳动力密集型工业发展。
- This boy has a faculty of making friends easily. 这个男孩有交友的能力。
- You are the very man that I want to employ. 你就是我要雇用的人。
- You must employ someone to oversee the project. 你得雇个人监督这一工程。