- factors regulating feed intake 摄食调节因子
- The physiological mechanisms regulating feed intake in poultry are complex and involved in many nerval routes and humoral factors. 禽类采食量的生理调节机制十分复杂,涉及许多神经通路和体液因子的调节。
- Ovulation rate is the principle factor limiting litter size in gilts and increasing the level of feed intake prior to mating will significantly increase ovulation rate. 排卵率是限制母猪窝重的主要因子,在配种前提高采食量能显著性地增加排卵效率。
- The immediate and improtant effects of feed intake in pregnancy are upon bir th weight. 妊娠期饲料采食量直接而且极大地影响到仔猪初生重量。
- The immediate and important effects of feed intake in pregnancy are upon birth weight. 妊娠期饲料采食量直接而且极大地影响到仔猪初生重量。
- The feed intake of one day of group of CP16%,DEB500mmol/kg was highest,CP16%,DEB-50mmol/kg group was lowest. 采食量蛋白质为16%25;DEB为500mmol/kg组最高;蛋白质为16%25;DEB为-50mmol/kg组最低;与其它组差异显著(P<0.;01)。
- It is the key factor regulating programmed cell death in pathogen, evocator and hormone responses. 在病原、诱发因子和激素应答中是调节细胞程序性死亡的关键因子。
- The growth parameters (SGR, FCE, PER and Feed Intake) were test after fifty-four days. 54天的生长实验结束后检测每个处理组的各项生长指标(SGR、FCE、PER、Feed Intake)。 主要研究结果如下:
- Bone size has a high heritability.A better understanding of genetic factors regulating bone size will have important clinical implications. 由于其高遗传率,充分了解控制骨大小的遗传因素有很重要的临床意义。
- The effect of three kinds of piglet feedstuff on growth,survival rate,feed intake and morbidity of piglet was studied. 本试验主要研究三种不同乳猪料对仔猪生长发育、成活率、采食量、发病情况的影响。
- Richards MP.Genetic regulation of feed intake and energy balance in poultry. Poult Sci,2003 ,82(6):907-16. 沈志强.21世纪中国禽病流行的特点与控制的策略.动物科学与动物医学,2002,19(12):5-8.
- The immediate and improtant effects of feed intake in pregnancy are upon bir th weight . 妊娠期饲料采食量直接而且极大地影响到仔猪初生重量。
- Therefore,the government has decided to speed up regulating fees and charges. 为此,中国政府决定,将大力推进规范收费管理改革。
- Yagi S, Fukaya M, 1974. Juvenile hormone as a key factor regulating larval diapause of the rice sterm borer Chilo suppressalis. Appl. Entomol.Zool., 9: 247- 255. [王满囷;2000.;鞭角华扁叶蜂滞育机理的研究
- So it is important that adequate levels of calcium, minerals, and protein are included in the feed intake. 所以摄取的食物中含有足够程度的钙,矿物质,以及蛋白质是很重要的。
- Therefore, the government has decided to speed up regulating fees and charges. 为此,中国政府决定,将大力推进规范收费管理改革。
- Inclusion of lactose in a Phase 3 diet increased growth rate and feed intake of weanling pigs (4-5%). 第3阶段日粮中添加乳糖能够提高断奶仔猪的生长率和采食量;提高量为4到5%25.
- Abstract: As a transcription factor regulating the expression of hormones,pancreatic-duodenal homeobox-1(PDX-1)specially expresses in endocrine cells of pancreas islet. 摘要: 胰腺-十二指肠同源盒1(PDX-1)作为调节激素表达的转录因子特异表达于胰岛内分泌细胞。
- This study provided reference for the grazing feed intake of Sanhe cattle during summer and autumn. 咱结论暂该研究为三河牛夏秋季放牧采食量提供了参考。
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