- The trim in the aircraft needed to be stabilized. 飞机需要稳定地保持平稳飞行状态。
- factors needs to be stabilized 安内对象
- In my mind, the following factors need to be taken into consideration. 我认为,下列因素必须被考虑。
- There are other factors need to be considered ,even though you are right. 即使你说的是对的,也还有一些其他的因素要考虑。
- The method seems good but it needs to be tried out. 这个方法似乎不错,但需要试验一下。
- This raises the possibility that, as yet, unmeasured psychological factors need to be considered. 这提高了尚未测量的心理因素需要考虑的可能性。
- For control of blood preesure, there are many factors need to be consider, not just one or few BP. 医生你好。本人在这二三年内,靠右向内的下颚偶尔会感到痛,并在所痛处分泌一些黏液出来。
- The wiring is faulty and needs to be replaced. 线路上有短路需要换线。
- He's very shy and needs to be drawn out. 他很腼腆,需要鼓励才肯说话。
- The hem of your dress needs to be let down an inch. 你衣肤的折边有必要放长1英寸。
- Still the loose ends of the war need to be tied up. 战后尚未解决的一些零星问题仍然需要完成。
- My old coat needs to be patched up. 我的旧外套需要补缀。
- It is at this stage of design that data access requirements and performance factors need to be considered in some detail. 在设计的这个阶段,就需要较为详细地考虑数据访问需求和性能因素。
- My English needs to be rubbed up. 我的英文[语法]需要复习。
- Two other factors need to be considered: the war on Islamic radicalism, and deep cultural affinities between America and Israel. 因此,还有两个其他的因素需要考虑:对伊斯兰激进主义的战争,和美以之间深厚的文化联系。
- The cushion needs to be shaken up. 这个靠垫得拍松了。
- The number of employees in the various locations is a major factor in designing the solution, but other factors need to be considered as well. 在设计解决方案方面,在不同区域中的职员人数是主要的因素,但其它各种各样的因为也同样要考虑。
- You need to be tough to survive in the jungle. 要在丛林中活下来就要有坚忍不拔的意志。
- This plant needs to be watered twice a week. 这种花一星期要浇两次。
- There are several factors need to be discussed in the adoptation of dizao-film.This paper deals with a consolidated explaoation for the technical characteristics of diazo-film. 选用重氮片应考虑因素,以往甚少被重视,本文将所有应考应因素列出,是对重氮片的技术特性作一综合说明。