- factor of natural environment 自然环境因素
- Accordingly, problem of natural environment disaffected is all the time. 因此,水土不服的问题一直存在。
- Exploring the future of natural resources and the natural environment is particularly appropriate. 探索自然资源和环境的未来是尤为重要的。
- One of the most spectacular qualities of man is notably his adaptability to any kind of natural environment. 人类最令人瞩目的品质之一是其以任何自然环境的杰出的适应力。
- Consequently the change of natural environment from lagoon to level farmland was completed in Lixia Riverbasin. 水灾与自然环境变迁交相作用,将里下河引入赤贫的深渊。
- Microcystins are hepatotoxin released by harmful toxic cyanobacterial bloom, are the potential risk factor of natural envi ronment and human health. 微囊藻毒素是有毒蓝藻释放的肝毒性代谢物,对环境和人们健康具有潜在危害,成为各国普遍关注的热点,并已列入我国地表水环境质量特定检测项目。
- Studies on Ecological Benefits Evaluation and Tourism Suitability Assessment of natural Environment in Fuzhou National Forest Park. 福州国家森林公园生态效益与自然环境旅游适宜性评价研究。
- The exploitation and utilization of human resources at present are dissatisfactory owing to those unfavorable factors of hisfory, economy, culture and natural environment as well. 目前西部人力资源开发利用的现状令人担忧,这是历史、经济、文化、自然环境等因素造成的。
- Watery environment is a important compenent of natural environment, also a important standard of establishing ecological city. 水环境是自然环境的重要组成部分,是创建生态园林城市的一个重要指标。
- In resent years, the quality of grassland resources in this area has declined sharply due to overgrazing and deterioration of natural environment. 近几年,由于自然环境的破坏及人为超载过牧,使该区的草地资源质量明显下降。
- The determinate factor of our economy is to control inflation. 我们经济的决定性因素是控制通货膨胀。
- Due to the influence of natural environment,they presented different characteristics in economic,class structure and regime forms. 由于自然环境等的影响,二者经济发展状况、阶级结构和政体形式各具特色。
- Ethnic eco-ethics attaches great importance to a balanced development of natural environment,socio-economy and ethnic cultures. 民族生态伦理学强调自然环境、社会经济与民族文化的整体和谐发展。
- We visited a museum of natural history. 我们参观了一个自然博物馆。
- The operation of natural law is constant. 自然法则的作用是永恒的。
- In the meantime, the diversity of natural environment in Qinghai has helped to bring about the pluralistic aesthetic consciousness of all nationalities. 同时青海自然环境的多样化促成了各民族审美意识的多元化。
- A synthetic imitation of natural tortoiseshell. 仿玳瑁模仿自然玳瑁的人工仿造品
- This is the basic factor of the advance in price. 这就是涨价的基本原因
- By using the method of material metabolism analysis within a system at regional scale, the evolution of natural environment load in Tongzhou City was analyzed. 本文采用区域系统物质代谢的方法,分析了通州市自然环境负荷的演变。
- Another social factor of significance is education. 另一个积极的社会因素是教育。