- factor price distortion 要素价格扭曲
- among these ownerships, factors price distortion caused by ownership restrictions can be used to explain some macroeconomic problems, such as capital-deepening of SOEs and “mingonghuang” phenomenon. 同时研究还认为,国有企业资本深化、“民工荒”等宏观经济问题其实是与所有制约束下要素价格的扭曲有内在必然联系的。
- Factor mobility has added a new dimension that works towards factor price equalisation. 总而言之,生产要素流通,使价格均衡作用增添一项新的考虑因素。
- Factor price The price of a factor of production (e. G. Land, labor and capital). 要素价格指生产要素(例如土地、劳力和资本)的价格。
- Those who have studied economics will be familiar with the theory of factor price equalisation. 研究经济学的人都很熟悉生产要素价格均衡定理。
- Based on the factor price equalization theorem and empirical data, Chinese labor cost advantage wouldn't last longer. 而根据要素价格均等定理及实证检验数据,中国的劳动成本优势将很难持久。
- Studies on the Employment Effect of Distortion of Factor Price 要素价格扭曲的就业效应研究
- While Ricardo considers the influence of labor productivity on comparative advantage, Olin considers that of factor price on it.All this results in the drawback of their theories. 李嘉图的比较成本理论作为国际贸易理论不可动摇的基础,具有重要的理论价值。
- factors price distortions 要素价格扭曲
- An analysis of supply and demand curve for factors indicates that in order to compel economic individuals to use factors thriftily, it is imperative to minimize distortion of factor prices. 摘要对要素供求曲线分析表明,要使经济个体节约地使用要素,必须使要素的价格扭曲程度最小化。
- Unlike land and labour, capital is something for which we undoubtedly would like to see more mobility. The consequential factor price equalisation for capital is not a matter of concern. 资本与土地及劳动力不同,我们都期望资本能够更自由流动,我们不会忧虑由资本流通引致的要素价格均衡。
- While Ricardo considers the influence of labor productivity on comparative advantage, Olin considers that of factor price on it. All this results in the drawback of their theories. 但李嘉图只考虑了劳动生产率对比较优势的影响 ,而奥林则只考虑了要素价格(要素禀赋状况)对比较优势的影响 ,这就使得他们的理论存在一定的缺陷。
- While premium increases are not the sole factor prices rise, but it is undeniable that the premium increases to be played by the fuel price rises role. 虽然地价上涨并不是房价上涨的惟一因素,但不可否认的是,地价上涨对房价上涨所起的是推波助澜的作用。
- While relative factor prices affect the directions taken by induced technological change, not all research is oriented this way. 虽然要素相对价格影响着诱发的技术变更的方向,但并不是所有研究都着眼于此。
- Voltage distortion and power factor lag. 电压波形失真及功因低落。
- S.financial derivatives being too far away from the real economy result in highly leveraged nature,pricing distortions,and fraudulence and concealment of risks. 美国金融衍生品过度脱离实体经济,导致高杠杆性、定价的扭曲性、风险的隐蔽性和欺骗性。
- That's a factor which we must not neglect. 这是我们不应忽视的一个因素。
- gross national product at factor price [经] 按固定价格计算的国民生产总值
- I factor ed my uncle's estate for three years. 我代管我叔父的财产已有三年了。
- Use price leverage, pricing methods and engineering works to reform the price management system, the reform of scientific and technological value and price distortions unreasonable phenomenon. 利用价格杠杆,抓紧改革工程定价方法和工程价格管理体制,改革科技价值与价格扭曲的不合理现象。