- Burr formation is an important factor of influence to metal cutting quality. 毛刺是影响金属切削加工质量的主要因素之一。
- Metal cutting burr is an important factor of influence to edge quality and performance of precision parts. 金属切削毛刺是影响精密零件棱边质量及使用性能的主要因素之一.
- This paper review the determination each method of BOD5,point out each kind of influence factor of dilution inocula method. 评述了BOD5测定的各种方法,指出了稀释接种法的各种影响因素。
- The observation covariance matrix is a important factor of influence on navigation precision in position potential navigation. 在进行位置势导航滤波时,观测值的方差阵是影响导航滤波精度的重要因素。
- In this paper, factor of influence on matal activity is expounded by studying ionization energy, Cohesive force, ionic hydration energy and cystal lattice energy of the compound. 本文通过对金属的电离能,内聚力,离子水合能以及形成化合物的品格能大小的研究来阐明影响金属活性的因素。
- Objective To study the HPRT gene loci mutation frequencies and the factor of influence in peripheral blood lymphocytes in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) patients. 目的研究鼻咽癌患者外周血淋巴细胞HPRT基因突变率及其影响因素。
- The article reviews the chemistry of maillard reaction, including the conception, the principle, the factor of influence, the condition of control and the use on food industry. 摘要综述美拉德反应的概念、反应机理、反应的影响因素、控制反应的条件及其在食品工业上的应用。
- Mr. Smith is a man of influence in this town. 史密斯先生是这个镇上有权势的人物。
- Range or scope of influence or effect. 影响力产生影响或效果的范围或领域
- A trusted man of influence may be able to hold a mob in check. 一位既有影响力又得到人信任的人也许可以能够制止住一群暴徒。
- The factor of influence democratic government by law benignity development no doubt has many aspects, but has the up-to-datedness the individual right idea to be without doubt more important. 影响民主法治良性发展的因素有多个方面,其中具有现代意识的个体权利观念更加重要。
- The article starts from zoology propensity and factor of influence of growth commence of Dahlia.Analyzing the main reason of the deterioration and growth of Dahlia species in Qinghai. 摘要本文从大丽花的生态习性,影响其生长发育的生态因子入手,分析了大丽花在青大量引种栽培当中,造成品种化的主要原因及其在栽培当中存在的问题。
- The determinate factor of our economy is to control inflation. 我们经济的决定性因素是控制通货膨胀。
- Analyse the test process of feed-in meatus manufacture technics,bring forward that one must analyze the factor of influence manufacture technics across-the-board,when set down manufacture technics. 分析了进料口加工工艺试验过程,提出在制定工件加工工艺时,要全面考虑影响加工工艺的因素;确定工艺方案时,首要的是保证加工质量,其次兼顾经济性。
- This has proved that in SLM-CIR model, the technology of the word segmentation is not a key factor of influencing the performance of models. 这就说明了在SLM-CIR模型中,分词技术不是影响模型性能的关键因素。
- The internal partition coefficient of building is the important factor of influencing air infiltration. 建筑物内部隔断系数是影响空气渗透的重要因素。
- Study on the Factors of Influence the Regeneration Frequent of the Trifolium repens L. 影响白三叶草高频率植株再生因素的研究。
- In previous research,hypothetic mechanisms were proposed,and factors of influence,such as vapor,were also studied. 在研究过程中,人们探讨了其可能的机理,并对水蒸气等因素的影响作了研究。
- The relationship between the developing of fracture and its factors of influence is non-linear and indeterminate. 该灾害的发生与各影响因素之间的关系为非线性的、不确定的。
- Objective: Analysing 622 cases of macrosomia and discussing the related factors of influence on mater and infant. 目的:通过对622例巨大儿的临床分折,探讨对母婴影响的相关因素。