- face seamed with hardship 饱经风霜布满皱纹的脸
- Her face was seamed with wrinkles. 她脸上布满皱纹。
- The valley is seamed with small streams of water. 山谷里布满小溪。
- Eg: Her face was seamed with wrinkles. 她脸上布满皱纹。
- She had a life fraught with hardship. 她的一生充满了艰辛。
- His brown face was seamed with sorrow . 他那褐色的脸因忧愁而有一条一条纹路。
- His face was seamed with sabre cuts. 他的脸上留有马刀砍下的伤痕。
- This a valley seamed with small streams of water. 这是一条被小溪流画出一道道线纹的河谷。
- He lives in obscurity and contends with hardship. 他默默无闻、茹苦含辛。
- Her blouse was seamed with silk thread. 她的短衫是由丝线缝起来的。
- Their lives were filled with hardship and trouble. 他们的生活充满了艰难与不幸。
- Below, a valley seamed with a whispering stream. 脚下是细长的峡谷,河水涓涓细流。
- Mountaineering is attractive especially to young people because it is accompanied with hardship and adventure. 登山很吸引人,特别是对年轻人来说,因为它伴随着艰难险阻。
- Her hand was seamed with wounds. 她的手上留下了伤痕。
- His face is seamed with age. 他因年老而满脸皱纹。
- A face seamed with scars 有伤疤的面孔
- They have been so feather bedded in the past that they can't cope with hardship now. 他们一直娇生惯养, 所以现在过不了苦日子。
- They have been so feather-bedded in the past that they can't cope with hardship now. 他们一直娇生惯养,所以现在过不了苦日子。
- Now that Father is dead,we must bits the bullet and learn to put up with hardship. 现在父亲已去世,我们一定要经得起痛苦的打击,并学会忍受艰难困苦。
- His life is beset with hardships. 他的生活充满艰辛。