- I use estee Olay's face wash before i go to bed. 我在睡觉前用玉兰油洗面奶洗脸。
- I use estee lauder's face wash before i go to bed. 我在睡觉前用雅诗兰黛洗面奶洗脸。
- I really just use a face wash each morning and a small bit of moisturiser from time to time when its feeling dry. 我就是每天早上用洗面奶而已,觉得皮肤干燥了时不时擦一点保湿霜。
- I use this astringent after the Earth Sceince Clarifying Face Wash, and I really like how my skin looks after using this product. 我在清爽洁面凝胶后面用这个水水。我非常喜欢我现在皮肤的感觉,非常好。
- Do you pay any attention special to your eyes during face washing? 洗脸时你会特殊对待眼睛吗?
- So do not go overboard and become a "face washing freak. 所以不要做得太过火,并成为"脸面洗怪胎"。
- Pure floral waters are by products of the steam distillation process of essential oils. Floral water is 100% natural hydrosol used after face wash to hydrate, refresh and balance skin conditions. 花卉水 是精华油蒸馏过程中溶于水的天然产品,清洁面部后可喷上适合的花卉水,使肌肤回复清爽,补充水份。
- The New POLO moisturizing whiteness face wash mature plant essence and special fresh generaleralerours formula tion serves balance the sebaceous seretion. leaves you feel comfortable. 全新POLO爽肤润白洁面乳,采用英国配方,蕴含多种天然植物精华和独特的清爽配方,有效均衡油脂分泌,令肌肤凉爽舒适。
- Remove this top layer of grime with a gentle face wash (skin should feel pleasantly tight for 10 to 15 minutes post-cleansing), which also allows anti-agers to penetrate deeper for better results. 删除此层尘垢,用柔和的洗面奶(清洗后10至15分钟,皮肤应该发紧),可使抗老化剂穿透更深。
- Can be the face washed with sulfureous toilet soap when the acne on the face? 脸上的痤疮时可以用硫磺香皂洗脸吗?
- However, with milk before washing, cleaning of the application Cleanser dirt, water with milk after face wash. 但用牛奶洗面前,应用洁面乳先清洗污垢,过水之后才用牛奶洗面。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- He tried to put a bold face on his failure. 他对自己的失败装出一副满不在乎的样子。
- Facial Cleansers and Face Wash Products Importers, 求购洁面用品及洗脸用品
- Green People Pre Shave Face Wash 英之绿有机男士果润剃须前洁面啫喱
- Checks and Balances Frothy face wash 一蒟两得洁面慕丝
- Can be the face washed with sulfureous toilet soap when acne growing on the face? 脸上长痤疮时可以用硫磺香皂洗脸吗?
- Checks and balances TM frothy face wash 衡肤泡沫洁面霜
- Memoirs of a Geisha Rice Face Wash 艺妓白米洁面粉
- I dry my hands and face with the towel. 我用毛巾擦干了双手和面部。