- The last time I saw him, he was making another beautiful stained glass window of Jesus touching the leper.As I spoke with him, his face shone with joy as he told me what God has done for him. 我最后一次碰到他的时候,他正创作一扇有关耶稣医治麻疯病人的彩色玻璃画,并且向我细数神在他身上所作的工,脸上还不禁流露出喜悦之情。
- face shine with joy 喜形于色
- Her face shone with the bloom of youth. 她的脸上泛起青春的红晕。
- His face shines with perspiration. 她的脸因出汗而显得亮晶晶。
- This morning her face shone with happiness. 这天早上她的脸上洋溢着幸福的光芒。
- His face shone with excitement . 他脸上露出兴奋的神色。
- He was a man of medium height with a slight paunch.His eyes shone with joy. 他中等身材,小腹微微隆起,眼睛里闪烁着快乐的光芒。
- The room was hot, and their faces shone with sweat. 屋子很热,他们的脸上都留着汗气。
- In those early days, Moses was the only one allowed to enter God's presence, and that made his face shine with such a radiance from God's glory that he had to veil his face. 在摩西的时代,只有他一人得觐见神的面,摩西的面容因神的荣光而发亮,以致他要以帕子蒙脸。
- Ah si's face shone with satisfaction over the excellent result he had unwittingly produced. 叫做阿四的伙计回答,脸上发亮,很得意自己的无意中立了大功。
- Our hearts leaped with joy at the good news. 听到这个好消息我们的心都要高兴得跳出来了。
- I felt as if my heart would burst with joy. 我觉得自己高兴得心花怒放。
- He was momentarily rendered speechless with joy. 他因欣喜若狂而一时说不出话来。
- Their faces became transfigured with joy. 他们的脸因高兴而容光焕发。
- His face shone with the light of a thousand galaxies and I saw in his eyes the eyes of Santa Claus. 他的脸上闪烁着一千条银河的光芒,他的眼睛看来就像圣诞老人的眼睛。
- Upon hearing the good news he beamed with joy. 一听到这个好消息,他高兴得眉开眼笑。
- He was fairly beside himself with joy. 他简直欣喜若狂。
- The little boy jumped at his mother with joy. 小男孩高兴地向他母亲扑去。
- She was transported with joy by the good news. 她听到这好消息欣喜万分。
- He jumped with joy on hearing the news. 他一听到这个消息就高兴得跳了起来。