- But at home, Johnson faced a crisis. 但是在国内事务上,强森却面临了严重的危机。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- In modern society, experiences contain more rational constituents and fewer natural elements, only to face a crisis with their organism, tranquility, rhythmicity and wholeness all destruct-ed. 现代社会中的经验,理性成份越来越多,经验中的自然要素越来越少,经验的有机性、宁静感以及经验的节奏与完整性受到破坏,面临一种危机,而这些经验却在古老的状态或妇女儿童身上较好地体现出来。
- When facing a crisis of confidence, flexibility and boldness are crucial. 面临信心危机之时,弹性和大胆是至关重要的。
- She always stay cool, calm and collect in a crisis. 她在危难时总是很冷静、镇定如常、泰然自若。
- Her best qualities come out in a crisis. 在危急关头显露出了她的优秀品质。
- Of these, one in eight birds, one third of amphibians and 70% of the plant is facing a crisis. 其中,八分之一鸟类、三分之一两栖动物和70%25植物面临危机。
- The company was far gone in a crisis. 公司深陷於危机之中。
- Yesterday, Mr Nishimatsu, who will take over the top job in June, said JAL was “facing a crisis”. 西松先生将于6月接任公司首席执行官和总裁职位。昨天他表示,日本航空“正面临一场危机”。
- A crisis brings out the best in her. 在紧急关头看出了她的优秀品质。
- Sensible people will draw together to face a common danger. 明智之士将会同心协力面对共同的危险。
- Mankind faces “a planetary emergency”, he said; “a crisis that threatens the survival of our civilisation and the habitability of the Earth. 他说人类正面临“星球危机”,“一个威胁着人类文明延续和地球可居住性的紧要关头”。
- For one, Britain's likely next government faces a crisis over the EU's Lisbon treaty, which Parliament ratified last year. 首先,英国下一任政府很可能面临英国议会去年批准的欧盟里斯本协议的挑战。
- One does not need statistics to know that a lot of media companies - music labels, film studios, newspapers etc - are facing a crisis of profitability. 我们不需要统计数据,就知道许多媒体公司(比如唱片公司、电影制片厂、报社等)正面临一场利润率危机。
- When World War I ended, China's young industry faced a crisis because it could not compete with foreign industry and because the purchasing power of the peasantry was small. 第一次世界大战结束的时候,中国年轻的工业面临着危机,因为它无法与外国工业竞争,农民的购买力又极低。
- The police faced a mob throwing bricks and petrol bombs. 警察面对一群投掷砖块和汽油弹的暴徒。
- I saw that a crisis would fall at hand, and it came. 我知道危机即将到来,它果然来了。
- Indeed, whenever Nixon faced a crisis, as in his 1952 “Checkers” speech, he portrayed himself as a scrappy underdog battling against elites and privilege. 实际上,每当尼克松面对危机的时候,比如他在1952年的“Checkers”演说中评价自己是对抗精英和特权者失败后的一条丧家之犬(underdog)。
- The little boy gave his face a perfunctory wash. 这个小男孩敷衍地洗了把脸。
- Facing a crisis of confidence in the won, South Korean officials are waging a campaign to reassure investors -- rebutting critical commentary and spreading good news. 临韩圆信心危机的韩国官员正发动一个安慰投资者的行动--反驳批评言论,散布好消息。