- Objective To analyze the ultrasonic images with cup-liked non-echo of eyecoat palinal bulged. 目的对眼球壁向后膨隆呈杯状无回声的超声声像图进行诊断分析。
- eyecoat palinal bulged 眼球壁向后膨隆
- His stomach bulged out over his belt. 他的肚子在皮带上凸出来。
- The Christmas stocking bulged with goodies. 圣诞节袜子里塞满了好吃的东西。
- The briefcase bulged with papers. 公文包装满了文件。
- He bulged his pocket with acorns. 他的囗袋鼓鼓囊囊装满了橡子。
- His pocket bulged with small stone. 他的囗袋鼓鼓囊囊装满了小石头。
- The house detective's eyes bulged. 侦探长的眼珠子都凸出来了。
- His stomach bulged after the dinner. 他吃过饭以后,肚子都鼓起来了。
- His eyes bulged in their sockets. 他的两眼从眼窝里鼓出来。
- He bulged his pocket with marbles. 他的口袋塞满了弹珠。
- The wall bulged out at several places. 墙上有几处鼓起来了。
- His pockets bulged with apples and candy. 他的口袋鼓鼓地装满了苹果和糖。
- The oldwoman's eyes bulged with terror. 老妇人吓得眼睛都突了出来。
- Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell took over for Palin. 副州长帕内尔接受职权。
- Palin: Ohhhh, have we been pranked? And what radio station is this? 佩林:哦,我们被骗了?你是哪个电台的?
- Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell takes over for Palin. 136名乘客和机组人员安全撤离。
- Politico: Jewish Republicans try to read Palin tea leaves....... 发给朋友转到小组(打标签)收藏推荐0推荐收藏查看全文2008-09-0113:34:50
- Sarah Palin had a negative impact on John McCain's candidacy. 候选人的宗教信仰不影响选民的投票。
- The GOP base loves Palin, and may rally behind her once again. 共和党喜欢佩琳,可能又会暗中帮她。