- The eye lens of the eyepiece further magnifies this image which finally is projected onto the retina or the camera film. 目镜的接目镜再将这个图像投射到人眼的视网膜或照相机的胶片上。
- The lens of the eye accommodate to distance. 眼球晶状体能根据距离进行调节。
- Rupert: I kicked the lens of the camera off. 鲁柏:我踢中了摄影机的镜头。
- The lens of the computer's sensor glowed briefly. 电脑传感器的镜头发出一阵短暂的光。
- A cataract is a painless clouding of the lens of the eye. 白内障是眼球晶状体的无痛混浊现象。
- What's the strength of the lenses of your glasses? 您的眼镜多少度?
- CATARACT:A clouding of the lens of the eye, resulting in blurred vision. 白内障:眼睛的晶体变得混浊,导致视力损害。
- Ultraviolet radiation increases the risk of cataracts, which cloud the lens of the eye and can cause blindness. 紫外线辐射增加了白内障的危险,这种疾病使眼睛的晶体蒙上缀障并能导致失明。
- Some adjustment of the lens may be necessary. 可能有必要调节一下镜头。
- Ultraviolet radiation increases the risk of cataracts,which cloud the lens of the eye and can cause blindness. 紫外线辐射增加了白内障的危险,这种疾病使眼睛的晶体蒙上缀障并能导致失明。
- Cataract: The lens of the eye becomes progressively clouded, blocking light entry and resulting in blurred vision. 白内障:眼睛的晶状体因各种原因而变得混浊,导致视力逐渐模糊。
- The lens of the eye loses elasticity with age resulting in inability to focus clearly on near objects. 由于晶状体随著年的增长而慢慢失去弹性,当要看近的东西时,便不能准确聚焦,令影像模糊。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- Incision into a capsule, especially that of the crystalline lens of the eye, as to remove cataracts by surgery. 囊切开术,晶状体切开术指被膜或囊的切割,尤指眼球晶状体的切割,如通过外科手术摘除白内障
- Roughness of the skin can be caused by bad diet. 饮食不好可能引起皮肤粗糙。
- Is lens of the buy before is direct ophthalmoscope mixed inspecting eye ground from time to tome what difference? 直接检眼镜和前置镜在检查眼底时有什么差别?
- My heart beat thick in the course of the interview. 在面试过程中我的心跳得厉害。
- The front cover of the novel has been torn off. 这本小说的封面已被撕掉。
- The plane climbed until it was clear of the clouds. 飞机爬升穿出了云层。