- extreme pressure dope 特压添加剂
- Extreme Pressure Grease for Metal Rolling Mills. 极压负荷特性。高度抗水性。适用于工作轧辊及背撑轧辊轴承。
- The act of crushing; extreme pressure. 压碎,压力压碎的行为;极大的压力
- Grease fill with an extreme pressure grease according to the table. 根据表使用极限压力油脂填充。
- We are working under extreme pressure at the moment. 目前我们正在极大的压力下工作。
- When a jet reaches the speed of sound,an extreme pressure disturbance build up just at the head of it. 当喷气式飞机达到音速时,就在它前方形成一个巨大的压屏。
- The small planning team was working under extreme pressure to open the new museum in time. 小小的策划队伍,大家都奋力工作,以使新馆可如期揭幕。
- Measurement of Extreme Pressure Properties of Fluid Lubricants (Falex Methods), Methods for (05. 液体润滑剂的超高压特性的测量方法(润滑剂耐热耐压法)(05。
- Extreme pressure gauges for a maximum of 10.000 bar or sensors for up to 14.000 bar are examples of this. 最大测量10,000 bar的压力计和最大使用限度14,000 bar的压力传感器就是证明。
- EMFORM423 contains special extreme pressure additives to extend dielife and promote smooth, even floe of metal and quick, clean release of parts from the dies. EMFORM423含有特殊的极压添加剂,可延长模具寿命;并能形成匀顺的金属塑性流动,从而使工件得以迅速、洁净地自模具脱离。
- When a jet reaches the speed of sound, an extreme pressure disturbance build up just at the head of it. 当喷气式飞机达到音速时,就在它前方形成一个巨大的压屏。
- Their antiwear and extreme pressure properties in rapeseed oil and water were tested on the four-ball tester. 通过四球试验机考察了它们在菜籽油和水中的抗磨性能与极压性能。
- Sulfurized vegetable oils.Contains 25% of combined sulfur as extreme pressure lubricants. 硫化的植物油,包含25%25的化合硫,同极压力润滑剂一样。
- Extreme pressure additive,antiwear agent and friction modifier are the principal additives used in gear oils. 极压剂、抗磨剂和摩擦改进剂是用于齿轮油的主要添加剂。
- Soluble salts A and B are appropriate anti-wear and extreme pressure additives for the greases. 水溶性A盐、B盐是以水为分散介质的润滑脂较为适宜的抗磨极压添加剂。
- This will put extreme pressure on Brazil’s creaking transport and warehousing systems, Rodrigues admitted. 罗觉果斯坦言,这样的产量将给巴西本已不堪重负的交通系统和仓储系统带来极大压力。
- It has exceptional lubricity and extreme pressure properties that give outstanding surface finishes as well as longer tool life. 本产品不含有活性硫极压添加剂,但仍具备极佳的润滑和极压性能。
- The extreme pressure additives mixed with anti-oxidant have influence on the biodegradability of rapeseed oil without additivity. 极压添加剂和抗氧剂配伍对菜籽油生物降解性能有一定的影响,二者对菜籽油的生物降解性能影响没有加和性。
- A brief review on a new tape of extreme pressure and antiwear additive antimony thioantimonate, it includes: synthesis, properties and applications. 关于新型极压抗磨剂硫代锑酸锑的综述,内容包括:合成、性质及应用。
- By comparing with lubricating oil, the home-made cutting fluid has better performance on extreme pressure lubricat i on. 通过与润滑油的润滑性能比较发现自制切削液具有更好的极压润滑性能。