- He makes the most extravagant claims for his new system. 他对他的新制度提出过分的要求。
- Pay no extravagant claims for Instant Indonesian. 别理睬那些夸夸其谈的,什么《速成印度尼西亚语》了。
- Reliable salesmen do not make extravagant claims for their product. 可信赖的营业员不会过分地自夸他们的产品。
- Since the parliaments the businessmen are joining are pretty toothless affairs, it would be wrong to make extravagant claims for changes like this. 因为商人们加入的议会都是些无权的劳什子,对这些变化大吹大擂是不对的。
- Some people vouch for the effect of foods on their sex drive, but extravagant claims for aphrodisiacs are not borne out by scientific studies. 一些人通过食物来调节其性趣,但过分的激发性欲并不是科学的态度。
- Earthquake prediction is a popular pastime for psychics and pseudo-scientists, and extravagant claims of past success are common. 地震预测在特异功能人士和伪科学者中是一项流行的活动,对过去成功预测的夸大吹嘘也很常见。
- Re-reading the article, and discounting some of its more extravagant claims, you also find some terse good sense about businesses' failure to back new ideas. 如果重新阅读这篇文章,去掉一些更为过分的观点,你还会对企业未能支持新创意的情况得到一些简洁清楚的认识。
- He submitted a claim to the insurer. 他向保险公司提出索赔。
- He came and staked out a claim to the land. 他来提出要求说那块地应归他占有。
- I lay no claim to being an expert economist. 我决不自命为经济学专家。
- I want to put in a claim for damages. 我想提出赔偿损失的要求。
- In his youth he was an extravagant epicurean. 他年轻时是个花花公子。
- I can't claim infallibility for this method. 我不敢说这方法绝对有效。
- The firm is big on extravagant promotion drives. 这家公司正大搞推销运动。
- I make no claim to be a paragon. 我决不认为自己是完人。
- He decided to resign his claim to the copyright. 他决定放弃对版权的要求。
- He says his claim is not negotiable. 他说他的要求是不容讨价还价的。
- His claim to ownership is invalid. 他的所有权是无效的。
- There's not a scrap of truth in the claim. 这种说法毫无真实性。
- The amount of a claim on an insurer by an insured. 险损赔偿额保险人从承保人获得的赔偿数量