- Extraordinary talent and great learning. 学识非常丰富。
- She has an extraordinary talent for piano. 她在弹钢琴方面才华出众。
- This reflects the important role secondary schools play in the nurturing of talent, especially extraordinary talent. 这反映了中学教学在造就人才,特别是杰出人才方面的重要性。
- Up against the likes of Roberto Carlos and Luis Figo Owen was able to demonstrate his extraordinary talent. 面对如罗伯特卡洛斯或路易斯菲戈,欧文证明了他非凡的天赋。
- The race was an example of the Brazilian's extraordinary talent, as Ayrton completed the final third of the race in sixth gear. 这场比赛是这位巴西籍天才车手的经典战例,塞纳用六档完成了比赛并获得第三。
- I therefore suggest that "elite" should only be conferred on people who belong in Category 1. Those in Category 2 should be called "para-elite", while those in Categories 3, 4 and 5 are "extraordinary talent". 故此,建议将“精英”这个高尚的尊称只归于属(一)的人才,(二)的人才尊称为“准精英”,其他(三,四,五)尊为“才干卓越之士”。
- I therefore suggest that "elite" should only be conferred on people who belong in Category 1. Those in Category 2 should be called "para-elite",while those in Categories 3,4 and 5 are "extraordinary talent". 故此,建议将“精英”这个高尚的尊称只归于属(一)的人才,(二)的人才尊称为“准精英”,其他(三,四,五)尊为“才干卓越之士”。
- Declan’s extraordinary talent and reputation came to the attention of media mogul Haim Saban and his music President, Ron Kenan, who signed Declan to Saban Music Group’s new record label. 德克兰的非凡才华和声誉来到媒体巨头哈伊姆萨班和他的音乐主席注意,罗恩凯南,谁签署德克兰的萨班音乐集团的新唱片。
- 3. Mastery of English + extraordinary talent 三、精通英文+卓越才干。
- Mastery of English + extraordinary talent 三、精通英文+卓越才干。
- We call one who shows extraordinary talents and outstanding intelligence before 10 years old "precocious child". 10岁以前显露出非凡才能和特殊智力的儿童叫作“早慧儿童”。
- Ever since ancient times, great men not only have extraordinary talents, but have sedulous ambitions and wills. 古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。
- Such schooling may be very beneficial: one extraordinary talented little boy I met had learned to read fluently even before entering school. 这种学校教育可能非常有益:我遇到一个天资极高的小男孩在入学前就已经学会熟练自如地阅读。
- 1. Mastery of Chinese + mastery of English + extraordinary talent 一、精通母语+精通英文+卓越才干
- 2. Fluency in Chinese + mastery of English + extraordinary talent 二、通母语+精通英文+卓越才干
- If you work in a global corporation with a wide reach,you have colleagues with extraordinary talents and the success of Shell is the ability to have these people work in teams to help each help bridge the various "cultural gaps". 一家业务遍布全球的国际企业,能力出众的职员来自各地。蚬壳石油成功的秘诀在于把他们分配到各别的小组工作,通过合作和互相帮助,克服“文化差异”的问题。
- Fluency in Chinese + fluency in English + extraordinary talent 四、通母语+通英文+卓越才干。
- Fluency in Chinese + mastery of English + extraordinary talent 二、通母语+精通英文+卓越才干。
- If you work in a global corporation with a wide reach, you have colleagues with extraordinary talents and the success of Shell is the ability to have these people work in teams to help each help bridge the various "cultural gaps". 一家业务遍布全球的国际企业,能力出众的职员来自各地。蚬壳石油成功的秘诀在于把他们分配到各别的小组工作,通过合作和互相帮助,克服“文化差异”的问题。
- I created Reb, an emotionally damaged man whose character flaws are counterbalanced by extraordinary talents that help him get out of the very serious trouble he gets into in his first adventure. 于是我创造了“雷布”,一个感情上受过创伤的角色,但他非凡的才能弥补了性格的缺陷,令他在人生的第一次历险中安然度过了每一道难关。