- extracts of rape bee pollen 花粉提取物
- Objective: To determine flavonoids content in rape bee pollen by HPLC and analyze the effects of six cell wall-breaking techniques on flavonoids extraction from rape bee pollen. 目的:六种破壁方法处理油菜蜂花粉,运用HPLC测定花粉中的黄酮含量,研究不同破壁方法对黄酮提取的影响。
- The extraction of yellow pigment of rape petal and its stability were studied. 对油菜花黄色素的稳定性和其抗菌活性进行了研究。
- They seeded in the field of rape. 他们已经在油菜地里播了种。
- rape bee pollen capsule 花粉软胶囊
- rape bee pollen 油菜蜂花粉
- The incidence of cases of rape have increase over the last year. 强奸案的发案率在去年有所增加。
- ethanolic extracts of bee pollens 花粉醇提物
- The machine crushes the oil out of rape seeds. 那部机器从油菜籽榨出油。
- Can bee pollen add in with honey drink? 蜂花粉可以跟蜂蜜加在一起喝吗?
- Waste derived from human activitirs, such as rapeseed placentiform from the extraction of rape oil;fruit faeces from the extraction of fruit juice;chicken excrement from the scall farming of chickens. 摘要废弃物是人类为满足自身需要的产物,如菜籽饼来自于油菜籽取油,果渣来自于水果取汁,鸡粪来自于规模化养鸡。
- One who commits the crime of rape. 强奸犯犯下强奸罪行的人
- water extract of bee collected rape pollen 水提物
- The rapist wore a crape in a field of rape. ****犯在油菜地里戴着一块黑纱。
- Illustrated with extracts of music by Chostacovic. 整个阐述伴随着几段摘录的萧斯塔科维奇的音乐。
- Supercritical CO_2 Extraction of Fatty Oils from Bee Pollen and Its GC-MS Analysis 蜂花粉脂肪油超临界CO_2萃取及GC-MS分析
- I heard no cases of rape or abuse of the peasant women. 我没有听到过强奸或污辱农村妇女的事件。
- Below are extracts of his speech. 以下是李副总理演讲的摘要:
- The incidence of cases of rape increased over the last year. 强奸案的发案率在去年有所增加。
- The boy, only 13, was arrested on suspicion of rape. 只有14岁的男孩因涉嫌强奸而被逮捕。