- extra voting rights 附加表决权
- Owners of debentures do not have voting rights. 信用债券的所有人没有选择权。
- In 1965 a new Voting Rights Bill became law. 1965年一项新的选举权法案变成了法律。
- Founder and Full Members have FULL voting rights. 创会会员及正式会员拥有正式表决权。
- So their voting rights will increase. 因此他们的投票权利将会提高。
- Why abandon the voting right in political election? 浅析政治选举中的不投票行为?
- The convicted are usually deprived of voting right. 通常囚犯是被剥夺选举权的。
- Women were only conceded full voting rights in the 1950s. 妇女在20世纪50年代才被容许完全享有选举权。
- Affiliate shall pay the admission fee but have no voting right at the AGM. 附属会员须交会费,但在会员周年大会上没有投票权。
- It entitles you to a portion of the company's profits as well as voting rights. 它赋予持有者对公司部分收益的所有权及投票权。
- Hon Advisor shall not pay membership fees and hold equal voting right at the AGM. 荣誉顾问不需交会费或年费,在会员周年大会上亦没有投票权。
- The reforms call for the IMF to develop the way to rebalance voting rights for other countries within two years. 这个改革也呼吁imf想办法在两年内重新平衡其他国家投票权利。
- All that was needed were the extra votes to squeak past Mr Odinga in what had been among the most closely contested elections Africa had ever seen. 所需的一切条件就是要拿到额外的选票,这样才能在非洲大陆上少有的最激励的肉搏战中战胜奥廷加先生。
- To combat that attitude, Congress passed the landmark Voting Rights Act in 1965. 为了与这样的态度斗争,国会于1965年通过了一项具有重大意义的选举权法案。
- First, he wants to sprinkle extra votes on a handful of underrepresented countries (probably China, South Korea, Mexico and Turkey, although he has yet to confirm this). 首先,他希望给一些被低估的国家一些额外的表决权(很有可能是中国,南韩,墨西哥和土耳其,尽管目前他仍未证实此事。)
- Creditors may appoint proxies to attend creditors' meetings and exercise their voting rights on their behalf. 债权人可以委托代理人出席债权人会议,行使表决权。
- It was not until the 1860s that Swiss Jews obtained voting rights and were able to live and work as they liked. 直到19世纪60年代,瑞士犹太人才取得了选举权,并且可以自由居住和工作。
- The reforms call for the IMF to develop the way to rebalance voting rights within two years. 这个改革也呼吁IMF想办法在两年内重新平衡投票权利。
- Two of the members chose to take issue with the chairman on the question of voting rights. 两位委员决定和主席争论选举权的问题。
- In some Western countries, only one or two centuries after their founding, did the law stipulate that women had equal voting rights with men. 而某些西方国家建国一、二百年之后才在法律上规定妇女享有与男子平等的选举权。